Editing Math with Microsoft Word
Dennis Silverman, UC Irvine,
Physics and Astronomy
In introductory courses, much math
can be edited without using the equation editor.
ctrl+= goes into subscript
ctrl+space goes back to normal mode.
ctrl+shift+= goes into superscript
gives the symbol sets in symbol and math fonts.
The symbol window also allows keystrokes
to be mapped, so that - gives the longer minus symbol, etc.
The keyboard can be mapped
so that alt+a gives alpha, etc.
The keyboard can be mapped so that
alt+shift+d gives capital Delta, etc.
The keyboard can be mapped to give
alt+0 gives degree
alt+ampersand gives proportional to
alt+$ gives partial derivative
alt+shift+0 gives infinity
General Word keyboard shortcuts:
ctrl+x cut
ctrl+c copy
ctrl+v paste
ctrl+z undo
ctrl+shift+space gives a nonbreaking
space to hold equations together at the end
of lines.
There is an Equation
Field for typing equations in text that provides
fractions, etc.
It is accessed by Insert - Field -
Eq on the menus and windows.
fraction is \f(num, denom)
integral with limits is \i(lower, upper,
integrand )
box is \x(expr)
overstrike is \o(expr)
radical is \r(power, expr)
superscript 1 is \s(1)
subscript 2 is \s( ,2), where you must
leave a space before the comma
superscript 1 + subscript 2 is \s(1,2)
a 2 dim array is \a
A template
can be written to make a button to access Field Eq directly.
Using Tools-Template-Record, you can
set up the template button on the toolbar.
To make the template, you record going
to Field and then two clicks on the right scrool bar, then choosing EQ,
then clicking on the EQ line, and entering something simple such as \f(1,2)
return, for 1/2. Then press stop record on the record window.
When you click on the new EQ template
button, the 1/2 appears as a vertical fraction.
If you then backspace to highlight
the fraction, and right mouse click, you can toggle to the EQ format right
in your document.
You then replace the 1 and the 2 in
1/2 with any other fraction, or add more EQ functions in the bracket.
You then do a right mouse click to
toggle back to the text mode.
You can set up an expression for easy
repeating using AutoText.
The expression can even be done as
an equation or a symbol like a vector constructed using equation, or an
equation field.
Select the expression by dragging with
the mouse, and then use
Insert-AutoText-New, and name it.
(Previous TeX users might use the backslash \ as the start of the \name.)
Every time you want the expression
again, just type its \name and press F3.
You can box
equations by using the rectangle in the drawing toolbar. However,
when you do this you must
Format Autoshape
set the Fill Color as No Fill, or it
covers over the equation, even if the color is white.
You can also change the Line Color
of the box and modify the line.
Then press Set Autoshape Defaults to
keep this as the default.
If you know of more ideas, or have
a good template for equation typing, please e-mail me at djsilver@uci.edu.
I would especially like to know if it is possible to color equations made
with the equation editor.
There is a separate page of Word Equation
Editor shortcuts.