Professor Dennis Silverman
- Office: PS2 2174
- Phone: 824-5149
- E-mail:
- Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 in PS2-2174
- Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:50, PST (trailer) 100
- Discussion: Friday, 11:00-11:50, FRH 3111 or the PC Lab
- Required Text: Mathematical Methods of Physics, by
Mathews and Walker, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley.
- Reference Books: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences,
by Mary L. Boas, Second Edition, Wiley. Mathematical Methods for
Physicists, by Arfken, Third Edition, Academic Press.
- Methods of Mathematical Physics, by Courant and Hilbert, Interscience.
Margenau and Murphy.
- Also six Mathematica books are on reserve.
- URL for this course:
Homework: Homework will be assigned every week, and is due in
class. Homework will be returned in class.
- Homework 40%
- Midterm 25%. The midterm has been moved to Thursday, Feb. 12,
9:30-10:50 AM in class.
- Final 35%. This is scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 8:00-10:00 AM
in the classroom.
- Both exams will be open text book and open notes, but closed to problem
Solution of the Black Scholes Equation using the
Green's function for the Diffusion Equation, in
Postscript, in
PDF, and in
Mathematica Instruction at UCI
The Homepage of Mathematica: Wolfram
Numerical Methods Books and Software
Problem Sets for This Year:
- Set 1:
- Reading, Chapter 7, pages 178-198
- Set 2: Due Friday, January 30.
- Reading, Chapter 8
- 8-1
- 8-4
- 8-7
- Set 3: Due Friday, February 6.
- 8-19
- 8-20
- Plot in 3 dimensions for various times t the results for the
heated cold cube, Eqn. 8-59.
- Set 4: Due Friday, February 20.
- Plot the solution to the Black-Scholes eqn. of omega/c as
a function of x/c for times of 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 times t*=90 days.
Take r=0.05/365 and v^2/2r = 0.3.
- Set 5: Due Friday, February 27.
- 9-3
- 9-5
- 9-8
- Derivation on pp. 271-273.
- Set 6: Due Friday, March 6.
- Set 7: Due Friday, March 13.
Course Schedule
The tentative course schedule is intended to roughly parallel the courses
in Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, and Electrodynamics.
Fall Quarter
- Chapter 1, Differential Equations
- Chapter 4, Fourier Transforms, Appendix A: Contour Integration
- Chapter 6, Vectors and Matrices, Eigenvalue Problems
- Chapter 7, Special Functions
- Mathematica Introduction and Applications
Winter Quarter
- Chapter 7, Special Functions
- Chapter 8, Partial Differential Equations
- Chapter 9, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues, and Green's Functions
- Chapter 10, Perturbation Theory
- Chapter 11, Integral Equations
- Mathematica Graphics, Special Functions, Eigenfunctions, and Programming
Spring Quarter
- Chapter 12, Calculus of Variations
- Chapter 13, Numerical Methods
- Chapter 14, Probability and Statistics
- Chapter 16, Group Theory
- Chapter 5, Further Applications of Complex Variables