Professor Dennis Silverman
- Office: PS2 2174
- Phone: 824-5149
- E-mail:
- Office Hours: Mondays, 2:30-3:30 and Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 in PS2-2174
- Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:50, PSCB 210
- Discussion: Friday, 11:00-11:50, FRH 2111 or the PC Lab
- Required Text: Mathematical Methods of Physics, by
Mathews and Walker, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley.
- Reference Books: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences,
by Mary L. Boas, Second Edition, Wiley. Mathematical Methods for
Physicists, by Arfken, Third Edition, Academic Press.
- Methods of Mathematical Physics, by Courant and Hilbert, Interscience.
Margenau and Murphy.
- Also six Mathematica books are on reserve.
- URL for this course:
Homework: Homework will be assigned every week, and is due in
- Homework 40%
- Midterm 25%. The midterm is on Tuesday, May 19,
9:30-10:50 AM in class (changed from May 14).
- Final 35%. This is scheduled for Thursday, June 18, 8:00-10:00 AM
in the classroom.
- Both exams will be open text book and open notes, but closed to problem
Mathematica Instruction at UCI
The Homepage of Mathematica: Wolfram
Numerical Methods Books and Software
Problem Sets
- Set 1: Due Friday, April 17.
- (1) Find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the kernel
(x+y) on the interval 0 to 1, construct the Resolvent Kernel with the Hilbert-Schmidt method, and
solve the inhomogeneous equation with the inhomogeneous function x.
- (2) Modify Problem 11-4 by using the Hermitian kernel cosh(x-y), then
solve for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, and again construct the
Resolvent Kernal and the solution by the Hilbert Schmidt method.
- Set 2: Due April 24
- Set 3: Due May 1
- Set 4: Due May 8
- Set 5: Due May 15
- Set 6: Due May 22
- Problem on Binomial to Gaussian in basketball scores.
- Set 7: Due May 29
- 14-14
- Problem on maximum likelihood for two Gaussian distributions.
- Problem on recursion for Chi-squared distributions for even N.
- Set 8: Due June 5
- Set 9: Due June 12
- 16-16
- Problem on SU(4) representations using Young Tableau.
Problem Sets for Last Year:
- Set 1:
- Set 2:
- Carry out the calculation of the variational estimation of the energy
for the harmonic oscillator, pp. 337-338.
- 12-14
- Set 3:
- Set 4:
- Set 5:
- Set 6:
Course Schedule
The course schedule is intended to roughly parallel the courses
in Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, and Electrodynamics.
Fall Quarter
- Chapter 1, Differential Equations
- Chapter 4, Fourier Transforms, Appendix A: Contour Integration
- Chapter 6, Vectors and Matrices, Eigenvalue Problems
- Chapter 7, Special Functions
- Mathematica Introduction and Applications
Winter Quarter
- Chapter 7, Special Functions
- Chapter 8, Partial Differential Equations
- Chapter 9, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues, and Green's Functions
- Chapter 10, Perturbation Theory
- Chapter 11, Integral Equations
- Mathematica Graphics, Special Functions, and Eigenfunctions
Spring Quarter
- Chapter 11, finish Integral Equations
- Chapter 5, Further Applications of Complex Variables
- Chapter 13, Numerical Methods
- Chapter 14, Probability and Statistics
- Chapter 16, Group Theory
- Chapter 12, Calculus of Variations
- Mathematica Programming, Numerical Methods, and Statistics