Publications of Prof. Dennis Silverman
Department of Physics and Astronomy
U. C. Irvine
The Difference of Nucleon and Pion Electromagnetic Radii, with S. D. Drell,
Phys. Rev. Letters 20, 1325 (1968).
The Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Nucleon from Sidewise Dispersion
Relations, Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University, (1968).
Inclusion of Toller-Angle Dependence in the Multi-Regge Integral Equation,
with C-I Tan, Phys. Rev D 1, 3479 (1970).
Relation Between the Multi-Regge Model and the Missing-Mass Spectrum, with
C-I Tan, Phys. Rev. D 2, 233 (1970).
Existence of Complex Poles and Oscillatory Average Multiplicity in Multiperipheral
Models, with M. L. Goldberger and C-I Tan, Phys. Rev. Letters
100 (1971).
Scaling Behavior in Multiperipheral Dynamics, with C-I Tan, Phys. Rev.
D 3, 991 (1971).
Multiperipheral Dynamics and Inclusive Experiments, with C-I Tan, Nuovo
Cimento 2A, 489 (1971).
Inclusive Experiments and a Diffractive Pomeron Bootstrap, with Peter D.
Ting and Harry J. Yesian, Phys. Letters 35B, 427 (1971).
Regge Trajectories and Pomeron Slope in the ABFST Multiperipheral Model,
with Peter D. Ting, Nuclear Physics B35, 445 (1971).
Diffractive Pomeron Bootstrap and Inclusive Experiments, with Peter D.
Ting and Harry J. Yesian, Phys. Rev. D 5, 94 (1972).
High-Energy Multiparticle Reactions, with W. R. Frazer, L. Ingber, C. H.
Mehta, C. H. Poon, K. Stowe, P. D. Ting, and H. J. Yesian, Reviews of Modern
Physics 44, 484 (1972).
Limiting Fragmentation and the Charge Ratio of Cosmic Ray Muons, with W.
R. Frazer, C. H. Poon, and H. J. Yesian, Physical Review D 5, 1653
The Problem of the Relation Between Double Pomeron Exchange in Inclusive
and Exclusive Experiments, with C. H. Mehta, Nuclear Physics B52,
77 (1973).
Double Pomeron Decoupling and the Relation of Exclusive to Inclusive Experiments
with the Dual Resonance Model, with C. H. Mehta, Nuclear Physics
460 (1973).
Multiperipheral Model for the Non-forward M2Absorptive Part
in the Double Regge Region, Phys. Rev. D 8, 2279 (1973).
Unified Approach to Pionization Structure, with R. M. Barnett, Phys. Rev.
D 8, 2108 (1973).
Internal Structure for the Pionization Spectrum, with R. M. Barnett, Physics
Letters 44B, 281 (1973).
Decay Spectrum of Particles and Resonances Produced in a Central Plateau,
with R. M. Barnett, Phys. Rev. D 8, 4151 (1973).
Dynamical and Symmetry Effects in the K/pi Ratio in the Central Plateau,
with R. M. Barnett, M. Scadron, and R. L. Thews, Phys. Rev. D 9,
2195 (1974).
Existence of Three Scaling Regions at Large Transverse Momentum, with M.
Bander and R. M. Barnett, Physics Letters, 48B, 243 (1974).
Unitary Multichannel Sidewise Dispersion Calculation of the Nucleon Anomalous
Magnetic Moments, with P. Lee and G. L. Shaw, Phys. Rev. D 10, 2251
Scaling and Approach to Scaling at Large Transverse Momentum, with R. M.
Barnett, Phys. Rev. D 10, 1510 (1974).
The Mu/Pi Production Ratio at Large Transverse Momentum, with R. M. Barnett,
Harvard University Preprint.
The Production of J-Psi in pp scattering, with R. M. Barnett, Phys.
Rev. D 12, 2037 (1975).
Weak Interactions in the Deep Underseas Muon and Neutrino Detector, Proceedings
of the 1975 Summer Workshop on Neutrino Interactions in the Ocean Depths,
Western Washington State College, P. Kotzer, Ed. (1976).
A Pion-Quark Scattering Model for Lepton Pair Production, with C. Debeau,
Phys. Rev. D 18, 2435 (1978).
Bound State and Perturbative QCD Effects in Lepton Pair Production, with
C. Debeau, SLAC-Pub-2187 (1978).
Jets as a Source for the Observed Increase in the gamma -P Cross Section,
with E. Gotsman and A. Soni Phys. Rev. D 20, 2220 (1979).
CP Noninvariance in the Decays of Heavy Charged Quark Systems, with M.
Bander and A. Soni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 242 (1979).
Mechanism for the Difference in Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral D
with M. Bander and A. Soni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 7 (1980).
Magnetic Moments of Composite Fermions, with G. Shaw and R. Slansky, Phys.
Lett. 94B, 57 (1980).
Analysis of Reactor Experiments for Neutrino Oscillations, with A. Soni,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 467 (1981).
The Decay Proton -> e+ + Photon in Grand Unified Gauge Theories,
with A. Soni, Phys. Lett. 100B, 131 (1981).
Phenomenological Analysis of Reactor Data for Neutrino Oscillations, with
A. Soni, published in Gauge Theories, Massive Neutrinos, and Proton
Decay, A. Perlmutter, Ed., Plenum Press pp. 249-261. Also published
in Proceedings of the Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, Brookhaven National
Laboratory and in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Nuclear and Particle
Physics at Energies below 31 GeV; New and Future Aspects, Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory, Jan. 5-8, 1981, LA 8775-C, pp. 154-165.
Deeply Bound Composite Fermions with a Dirac Magnetic Moment, with M. Bander,
T.-W. Chiu, and G. L. Shaw, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 549 (1981).
Reactor Experiments and Neutrino Oscillations, with A. Soni,
of Neutrino '81, International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics,
Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, Vol. II, p. 17.
Indications of Neutrino Oscillations from an Analysis of Reactor Experiments
Performed at Different Distances, with A. Soni, Physical Review D 27,
58 (1983).
Neutrino Oscillations: A Review, with A. Soni, AIP Conference Proceedings
No. 81, Particles and Fields-1981: Testing the Standard Model, C.
A. Heusch and W. T. Kirk, Ed., American Institute of Physics, pp. 496-521
Limits on the Composite Structure of the Tau Lepton and Quarks from Anomalous
Magnetic Moment Measurements in
e+e- annihilations,
with G. Shaw, Phys. Rev. D 22, l196 (1982).
Composite Fermions; Constraints and Tests, with G. Shaw, published in Field
Theory in Elementary Particles, A. Perlmutter, Ed., Plenum Press pp.
349-363 (1983), which is the Proceedings of Orbis Scientiae 1982.
Relativistic Treatment of Quark-Antiquark Spectra in QCD, with, M. Bander,
B. Klima, and U. Maor, Phys. Rev. D 29, 2038-2050 (1984).
Relativistic Treatment of Quarkonium in QCD, with M. Bander, B. Klima and
U. Maor, Phys. Lett. 134B, 258-262 (1984).
A model of Cortical Organization Embodying a Basis for a Theory of Information
Processing and Memory Recall, with G. L. Shaw and J. C. Pearson, Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 2364 (1985).
Production of Gluinos in Photon-Photon Collisions, with S- P. Li and H-C.
Liu, Phys. Rev. D 31, 1736 (1985).
Distinguishing Between Models for Populating the Low Energy Desert, with
S.-P. Li and G. Shaw, UCI Preprint No. 84-30, submitted to XXII International
Conference on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, 1984.
Phenomenological Consequences of an Enhanced Top Quark Yukawa Coupling,
with M. Sher, Phys. Rev. D 31, 95 (1985).
The Trion Model of Cortical Organization: Toward a Theory of Information
Processing and Memory, with G. L. Shaw and J. C. Pearson, Proceedings of
the 1984 Trieste Workshop on Brain Theory, Eds. G. Palm and A. Aertsen,
Springer-Verlag (1986).
Proposed Test of a Strange Matter Pulsar by Observation of the Neutrino
Flux from Cygnus X-3, with G. L. Shaw and G. Benford, Phys. Lett., 169B,
275 (1986).
Associative Recall Properties of the Trion Model of Cortical Organization,
with G. L. Shaw and J. C. Pearson, Biological Cybernetics, 53, 259
Statistical Fluctuations in a Neural Network Cellular Automaton, with G.
L. Shaw and J. C. Pearson, UCI Report 86-31, (Superseded by pub. 58).
Simulations of the Trion Model and the Search for the Code of Higher Cortical
Processing, with G. L. Shaw, Computer Simulation in Brain Science, R. Cotterill,
ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1988).
Relativistic Formulation of the Radiative Transitions of Charmonium and
b-Quarkonium, with F. Daghighian, Phys. Rev. D 36, 3401
Formulation of Two Photon and Two Gluon Decays of O-
in a Relativistic Bound State Calculation, with T. Yao, Phys. Rev. D 36,
Relativistic Treatment of Light Quarks in D and B Mesons
and W-Exchange Weak Decays, with T. Yao, Phys. Rev. D 38, 214
Trion Model of Cortical Organization and the Search for the Code of Short-Term
Memory and of Infomation Processing, with G. L. Shaw and J. C. Pearson,
Systems with Learning and Memory Abilities, J. Delacour and J.C.S. Levy,
Eds., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland), p. 411-435, (1988).
A Heavy Unstable Fourth Family Neutrino and the tau Lifetime Discrepancy,
with M. Shin, Phys. Letters, B213, 379 (1988).
Rhythmic and Patterned Neuronal Firing in Visual Cortex, with G. L. Shaw,
J. Kruger, A. Aertsen, F. Aiple and H.-C. Liu, Neurological Research, Vol.
15, 46 (1993).
Higher Temperature Phases of the Trion Model of Cortical Organization,
with G. L. Shaw, J. V. McGrann, and J. C. Pearson, Phys. Rev. A 43,
5678 (1991).
Flavor Changing Neutral Processes and B anti-B Mixing, with
M. Shin and M. Bander, Physics Letters B219, 381(1989).
B anti-B Mixing, Flavor Changing Rare Processes, and the
Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron, with M. Shin and M. Bander, Proceedings
of the Second International Symposium on the Fourth Family of Quarks and
Leptons, Santa Monica, (1989), D. Cline and A. Soni, Ed., Annals of the
N.Y. Academy of Sciences, p. 327, Vol 578.
A Heavy Fourth Family Neutrino and the Tau-Lifetime Discrepancy, with M.
Shin, p. 405, Proceedings of the Tau-Charm Factory Workshop, 1989,SLAC
Report No. 343.
The Tau Anomalous Magnetic Moment Measured from the Angular Dependence
of the Charged Secondary, with M. Shin and M. Bander, p. 406, Proceedings
of the Tau-Charm Factory Workshop, 1989, SLAC Report No. 343.
Flavor Changing Neutral Processes Bounded by B anti-B Mixing
and Predictions for the Tau-Charm Factory, with M. Shin and M. Bander,
p. 686, Proceedings of the Tau-Charm Factory Workshop, 1989, SLAC Report
No. 343.
Z-Mediated Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents and Their Implications
for CP Asymmetries in B0 Decays, with Y. Nir,
Phys. Rev. D 42, 1477
Exploring New Physics with CP asymmetries in B0
Decays, with Y. Nir, Nuclear Phys. B345, 301 (1990), SLAC-PUB-5209.
Z- Mediated B anti-B Mixing and B Meson CP
Violating Asymmetries in the Light of New FCNC Bounds, Rare and Exclusive
and K Decays and Novel Flavor Factories, AIP Conference Proceedings,
No. 261, D. Cline, Ed. pp. 83-89, (AIP, New York, 1992).
Z Mediated B anti-B Mixing and Meson CP Violating
Asymmetries in the Light of New FCNC Bounds, Phys. Rev. D45, 1800
Maximum Likelihood Analysis for the CKM Matrix, with W.-S. Choong, Phys.
Rev. D 49, 1649
Predictability of Charmonium Levels From a Range of Good Fits, with E.
Altshuler, Phys. Rev. D48, 2160
New Physics in CP Violating B Decay Asymmetries From Mixing
to Singlet Down Quarks, D. Silverman and W.-S. Choong, Proc. of the Workshop
on B Physics at Hadron Accelerators, Snowmass, 1993, pp. 449-50.
New Phases in CP Violating B Decay Asymmetries From Mixing
to Singlet Down Quarks, W.-S. Choong and D. Silverman, Phys. Rev. D 49,
Book review of ``A Modern Introduction to Particle Physics'' by Fayyazuddin
and Riazuddin, Physics Today, January (1994), p. 48.
Maximum Likelihood Method for CKM Matrix Elements, and for New Physics
Mixing Angles, D. Silverman, Division of Particles and Fields '94, The
Albuquerque Meeting, S. Seidel, Editor, World Scientific, Vol. 2, p. 1224
Maximum Likelihood Method For New Physics Mixing Angles, and Projections
to Using B Factory Results, D. Silverman, Beyond the Standard Model
IV, Eds. J.F. Gunion, T. Han and J. Ohnemus, pp. 497-99, World Scientific,
Lake Tahoe, CA (1995).
B Factory Constraints on Isosinglet Down Quark Mixing, and Predictions
For Other CP Violating Experiments, D. Silverman, Int. Journal of
Modern Physics A11, 2253 (1996), hep-ph/9504387.
Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moments of Quarks and Large Transverse Energy
Jets, D.Silverman UCI-TR 96-12 and SLAC-PUB-7166, hep-ph/9605318, Phys.
Rev. D 54, 5563
Quark Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moment Bounds -- Projection to Higher Luminosities
and Energy, K. Cheung and D. Silverman, New Directions for High Energy
Physics, Snowmass, CO Workshop '96, Eds. D. G. Cassel, L. T. Gennais, and
R. H. Siemann, pp. 987-988, SLAC (1997) at,
UCI-TR 96-32 (1996), hep-ph/9609454.
Limits on Anomalous Couplings of Quarks by Prompt Photon Data, K. Cheung
and D. Silverman, New Directions for High Energy Physics, Snowmass, CO
Workshop '96, Eds. D. G. Cassel, L. T. Gennais, and R. H. Siemann, pp.
984-986, SLAC (1997) at,
UCI-TR 96-33 (1996), hep-ph/9609455.
New Physics Models for CP Violation with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents,
D. Silverman, Proceedings of the Symposium on Flavor Changing Neutral Currents:
Present and Future Studies, Santa Monica, 1997, D. Cline, Ed., pp. 185-189,
World Scientific (1997).
Effects of Anomalous Couplings of Quarks on Prompt Photon Production, K.
Cheung and D. Silverman, Phys. Rev. D 55, 2724
(1997), hep-ph/9610318.
W_R Effects on CP Asymmetries in B Decays, H. Yao and D. Silverman, UCI-TR
97-5 and LBNL-40272 Preprint (1997), hep-ph/9706359.
New Physics Models and CP Violation Experiments, D. Silverman, Proceedings
of the First Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, April 1998, Jose Nieves, Ed., AIP Conference Proceedings 444,
pp. 165-176 (1998).
Full Range of Predictions for B Physics From Isosinglet Down Quark Mixing,
D. Silverman, UCI-TR 98-14, hep-ph/9806489, Phys. Rev. D 58, 095006
Joint Bayesian Treatment of Poisson and Gaussian Experiments in a Chi-squared
Statistic, D. Silverman, Preprint UCI-TR 98-15, physics/9808004
Contributor to Chapter
13 (Physics Beyond the Standard Model) of the BaBar Physics Book, pp.
907-908, SLAC (1998).
W_R Effects on CP Asymmetries in B Decays, H. Yao and D. Silverman, hep-ph/9706359
revised and updated to (2001), Journal
of High Energy Physics, 10 (2001) 008 (pdf).
The Iso-singlet Down Quark Model and CP Violating Experiments, D. Silverman,
2001 talk (2001), and summary in
Snowmass 2001 Proceedings at
Iso-singlet Down Quark Mixing And CP Violation Experiments, D. Hawkins
and D. Silverman, Preprint UCI-TR 2002-14 (2002), hep-ph/0205011,
Phys. Rev. D66 (2002)
016008 .
Effects of Right-handed Gauge Bosons in B-Bbar Mixing and CP Violation,
D. Silverman, W. K. Sze, and H. Yao, Preprint UCI-TR 2003-15 (2003),