Graduate Student Teaching and Research Assistantships

The Department of Physics and Astronomy encourages all eligible students to apply to graduate fellowships. These fellowships help support the research in the department and are very prestigious for the fellow. Below is a list of potential fellowships.  If you have any questions retarding the fellowships including eligibility, requirements, and strategy, please your advisor or a departmental faculty member.  Physics and Astronomy staff can assist you with the paperwork, as well as provide an example of previous successful proposals, if available.

During their first year of study, graduate students are typically provided stipends, tuition and fee fellowships, and/or Teaching Assistantships. In subsequent years, students typically receive support through Research Assistantships once they begin their doctoral research.  Listed below are some of the sources of financial support for entering and continuing graduate students at UCI.   For more informaiton regarding financial support, please visit the UCI Office of Financial Assistance website.
For a list of financial aid and fellowship opportunities, click here
Teaching Assistantship
These positions require up to 20 hours of teaching service per week.  Teaching assistantships for the summer months are also available.   Please visit the Office of Graduate Studies Teaching Assistantships website for more information, or consult with the Physics and Astronomy Student Affairs staff with questions about TA positions in the department.
For more information regarding this year's TA Responsibilities, click here 
Research Assistantship (Graduate Student Researcher)
These positions pay the stipend of students who are pursuing doctoral dissertation research and are typically funded through grants awarded to department faculty. Please visit the Office of Graduate Studies Research Assistantships website for more information about Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) positions.

If you plan to request a Teaching Assistant (TA), Associate Instructor (AI), or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR), please inform the Department of your request the quarter prior to the start of the quarter/summer of employment.

  • IF REQUESTING TO BE A GSR: Indicate which professor you will work for and the percentage.  
  • IF REQUESTING TO BE TA: Indicate your course schedule conflicts for the quarter in which you are requesting to be a TA.