How to use ATV.PRO


How to start up atv.

Download the source code , and save it as in a directory that's listed in your IDL path.  You'll also need to install a few IDL libraries into your IDL path: these include the IDL Astronomy User's Library, the Coyote Graphics Library, and Craig Markwardt's routine.  See the ATV main page for links to these libraries.  To read fpack-compressed fits files you'll also need to have the CFITSIO library and fpack/funpack routines installed (these are not IDL routines).

Important for Mac users: you need to issue the command "device, retain=2" before starting ATV in order for color map updates to work properly. This isn't included in ATV itself since there may be other situations where this command wouldn't be desired, but with recent updates to MacOS (El Capitan), ATV will not function properly without this. This command basically tells the window manager to store window contents so they can be redisplayed quickly. I put this command in my IDL startup file so that it gets executed at the start of each IDL session.  In the next release, I'll update this so that ATV automatically detects whether it's running on a mac, and then issues the retain command if necessary.
Once everything is installed, just start IDL, and type atv.

To display an array that's in memory, just pass its name to atv like this:

atv, array_name [,header = head] [,min = min_value] [,max=max_value] [,/linear] [,/log] [,/histeq] [,/asinh] [,/align] [,/stretch] [,/block]

Similarly, to display a fits file, you can pass the file name to atv:

atv, 'fitsfile_name' [, options...]

The command-line options are:

You can also load in new fits images from the atv window, by going up to the file menu and pulling down ReadFits.

ATV can recognize a variety of fits image types:

The routine uses xmanager to ensure that an IDL session can have only one atv window running at a time, so if you already have an atv running and you type "atv, array_name", the display comes up in your previously existing atv window.

Note: all coordinates are IDL-based, which means that a 1024x1024 array will have element (0,0) at the lower left and (1023,1023) at the upper right corner.  Remember this when comparing with pixel coordinates in IRAF or SAOimage, where arrays start with element 1 instead of element 0.

How to change the ATV window orientation.

A new feature in version 3.0 is the ability to put the ATV control panel items (the buttons and the pan and tracking windows) on the left or right side of the main ATV image window, in addition to the standard orientation with the control panel stuff on top.  This might be useful if you want to optimize the use of space on your screen to look at large images.

To change the window layout, you just need to change one single character in the ATV code.  In the first ATV routine called atv_initcommon, the first thing you'll see is the definition of the ATV state structure which contains all of ATV's stored internal variables.  The 2nd item in the state structure is called "panel_side".  By changing the value of panel_side and then re-compiling ATV, you can change how the windows are arranged. Set panel_side to 0 to put the control panels on the left, 1 to put them on the right, and 2 to put them on the top, which is the "classic" ATV orientation.

Here's an example of what the ATV window looks like when you set panel_side=0.

Tips on IDL settings for color maps and windows.

ATV works in 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit color.   When ATV was first written, 8-bit color was the norm, but now most computers will be using 24-bit color.  IDL handles color tables very differently for these two cases. For 24-bit color, most users will be using 24-bit true color mode. 

I usually run IDL in 24-bit color (using Linux or Mac OS X), and I use the following commands in my IDL startup file:

device, true_color = 24
device, decomposed = 0
device, retain = 2

On MacOS, as of Yosemite or El Capitan, the "retain=2" command is absolutely necessary or else ATV is unusable, so ATV now issues this command if it is running on MacOS.

As of version 3.0, ATV is now using the Coyote Graphics library for plotting instead of the basic IDL commands like tv or plot.  This has two major advantages: it works identically in decomposed=0 or decomposed=1 mode, and it enables the use of named colors in plots (like color="red") regardless of which color table is currently being used.  So, now it's no longer necessary to specify "device, decomposed=0" to use ATV.

How to change the image scaling.

When you read a new image into ATV, it is auto-scaled by default.  If you'd rather have the default setting be to display an image with its full intensity range, then go into the ATV code to the subroutine, and change the definition of the state variable default_autoscale to 0.

The default setting is now asinh scaling, since this works really well.  The asinh scaling uses an adjustable parameter beta.  Typically you want beta to be about equal to the standard deviation of the count level in background sky pixels.  When you read in a new image, ATV calculates the sky mode and sky sigma automatically, and uses those values to determine the autoscaling and beta parameters.  If you want to change beta, go to the Scaling menu and select "Asinh Settings".

The autoscaling parameters are different depending on whether your image is displayed in linear, log, histeq, or asinh stretch.  Just play around with it to get a feeling for what it does.  Autoscaling sets the "min" value to be the sky mode minus 2 times the sky sigma.  The "max" value is set to be either the sky mode plus n times the image standard deviation (n=2 for linear and n=4 for log scaling), or the maximum pixel value in the image (asinh or histeq scaling).

Once an image has been displayed, there are a few ways to change the data range that gets mapped into the color table:

Histeq scaling generally pretty useless, but can occasionally be worthwhile for 2-d spectroscopic images.

Once a scaling option (log/linear/histeq/asinh) is chosen, it remains in effect until a new scaling option is selected.

If you prefer to have linear or log scaling as the default instead of asinh, go into the routine atv_initcommon and change the initial value of the scaling variable in the main state structure.   On extremely large images, the asinh scaling can take noticeably longer to run, so if you don't like waiting for it, going to log or linear stretch will help new images to load in more quickly.

How to change the color tables and stretch.

The ColorMap menu offers a choice of several color tables.  A new addition in version 3.0 is the cubehelix color map. The cubehelix color map has the nice feature that the color table entries increase smoothly in brightness while also constantly varying in hue.  If you select "Cubehelix Settings" from the ColorMap menu, you'll get a widget that lets you modify the four parameters of the cubehelix color map so you can design your own color table.

To invert the color table, just click on the "Invert" button.

Brightness and contrast can be modified by setting MouseMode to "Color", and then by dragging the mouse over the main image window with mouse button 1 held down.  Moving the mouse horizontally changes brightness, and moving vertically changes contrast.  The color bar next to the panning window shows the current color table.

While in Color mode, you can use mouse button 2 or 3 to recenter the image on the current cursor position.

What does the restretch button do?

When you click the restretch button, the brightness and contrast are reset back to their default values, to linearize the color table.  At the same time, the min and max values are adjusted to preserve the appearance of the image as closely as possible.  This can be useful if you're viewing an image with a very hard stretch (i.e. high contrast) and you want to have more dynamic range in the color table while keeping the overall appearance of the display similar.  Restretch works best for images displayed with a linear scaling.

The restretch feature doesn't always do exactly what you expect if you're using asinh or log scaling, because it's not always possible to preserve the exact appearance of the image when restretching.  In histeq mode, the restretch button doesn't do anything.

How to zoom in and out, and look at different portions of the image.

To zoom in or out, while preserving the current central pixel of the display, click on "ZoomIn" or "ZoomOut".  To set the zoom level back to the default (1 display pixel = 1 data pixel), click on "Zoom1".  To center the image on the display viewport, click on "Center".

When MouseMode is set to "Zoom", the mouse buttons can also control zooming and centering:

You can also select the display region by going to the pan window (that's the window that displays a miniature version of the entire image) and dragging the box around with the mouse.  Or, just click once in the window and the display will center on the pixel you clicked.

Another way to zoom in or out is to use the - or + key on the keyboard, with the cursor in the main draw window.  You can also zoom in by pressing the = key, which saves you the trouble of having to hit the shift key to type +.

While the cursor is in the main display window, the ATV status bar shows the x and y coordinates of the cursor and the data value at that pixel.  To move by one pixel at a time, you can use either the arrow keys or your numeric keypad (with "NumLock" turned on).  You can move up, down, left, right, or diagonally.  

When the mouse mode is set to "Color", you can use button 2 or 3 to center the image on the current pixel.  

The top-level "Rotate/Zoom" menu is pretty self-explanatory.  You can rotate to an arbitrary angle by selecting "Rotate".  When you rotate or flip an image, the coordinate system information in the header is also rotated (if available). 

The "FullView" button sets the zoom level so that the image is as large as it can be while still fitting entirely within the visible ATV window.  Since ATV only zooms in or out by factors of 2, the full view may not actually fill the entire window, but if you read in a huge image this button is the quickest way to see what your entire image looks like.

How to blink 2 images against each other.

Load in the first image, and get the display exactly how you want it.  Then, go to the Blink menu and select "SetBlink1".  Then load in the second image and set MouseMode to "Blink".  Now, with the cursor in the main draw window, just hold down the first mouse button to display the first image, and release the button to show the current image.  You can save up to 3 blink images and blink them with mouse buttons 1, 2, or 3.  If you have fewer than 3 mouse buttons, you won't be able to use all 3 blink images.

You can also set the blink images with keyboard events, using shift-1, shift-2, and shift-3.  In other words, type "!" for SetBlink1, "@" for SetBlink2, and "#" for SetBlink3.

How to make an RGB color image.

ATV can make RGB "true-color" images in a rudimentary way.  To do this, first set the colormap to grayscale, and don't invert the colormap.  Load your "R" image and get the color stretch just the way you want it, and then save it in blink channel 1 with "SetBlink1".  Do the same for your G image in blink channel 2 and your B image in blink channel 3.  Then, just select "Blink->MakeRGB" and ATV will make a truecolor RGB image using the 3 blink channels.  The color image is not adjustable in any way: if you want to change the color balance, the only way to adjust it is to re-load in your original images, change the color stretch, and then save them to the blink channels again. 

If you like how your RGB image came out, you can save it to a file using "File->WriteImage" to save it to a jpg, png, or tiff image.  Here's an example.

The RGB image will stay in the ATV display window until you do anything that changes the display settings, like zooming or changing the color stretch.  As soon as you do that, ATV goes back to its normal display mode with the last image that was loaded.

How to select the coordinate system.

If the image header has a valid world coordinate system (WCS), then ATV will display the coordinates of the cursor position.  By default, it uses the native coordinate system and equinox given in the image header.  ATV can also convert the native coordinates into J2000, B1950, ecliptic, or galactic coordinates.  To change the output to a different system, go to the ImageInfo menu and select one of the coordinate options.

If you're viewing a 2-d spectroscopic image with a wavelength solution, then ATV will display the wavelength at the cursor position.  So far, I've only tried this for HST STIS images, so I don't know if it will work for other data types.

How to write image output.

From the File menu, pull down "WriteFits", "WriteImage", or "WriteEPS".  

The WriteFits selection gives you the option to write out a fits image of the current main display image.  If you've read in an image and then rotated or flipped it, this will write out the rotated or flipped version of the image.  It will write out the header information into the

The WriteImage menu gives you the option to write out a PNG, JPG, or TIFF image of the current display, pretty much exactly as you see it on screen.

For postscript output, the postscript file paramters are set in a window that brings up Craig Markwardt's cmps_form widget.  This window is fairly self-explanatory, but take a look here if you need more information, or look at the source.  One important point is that if the postscript options are set to black and white (i.e. color=off in the postscript widget form), then the postscript device will not pay any attention to color maps at all, and the resulting color map in the postscript file will be just a linear B-W scale regardless of the color stretch in the ATV window.  So it's usually best to leave color on in the ps parameters window.

For postscript output, the program will by default put a black frame around the image border.  To disable this, edit the source and in the routine atv_initcommon, change the definition of state.frame to 0.

One other note about postscript output: the atv_writeps routine uses scaleable pixels in creating the ps image, so it can't handle fractional pixels at the edge of the viewport.  So, in postscript output, any fractional pixels at the edges of the display image will be included as complete pixels in the ps image.  The result is that for a highly zoomed image, the postscript output file may have a slightly different size than the screen image.  This will only be noticeable when you've zoomed in to make the pixels really big on screen.  The advantage of doing things this way is that it makes the postscript files far more compact for highly zoomed images.  On the other hand, for really big images which are zoomed "out" to fit the whole image in the display viewport, the size of the postscript output file can be pretty huge, since the full resolution of the original image is included in the postscript file.

If you want to create image output in png or jpg format for use on a web page or something like that, you can sometimes get better results if you create a postscript file, and then use the ImageMagick "convert" program to convert to png, instead of having atv create a png file directly.  This can make a noticeable difference if you have any overplots on your image.  When atv creates a png or jpg output image, it creates a pixel-by-pixel copy of what's in the main display window, but for postscript output it creates higher-resolution scaleable output.  The two pictures below show an example, with contour overplots on top of an image.  The picture on the left shows the result from using atv's WriteImage feature to create a png image directly.  The second picture shows the result from using WritePS to create a postscript image, and then using ImageMagick to convert the postscript to png (with the command convert image.png).  In the converted image, you can see that ImageMagick has used antialiasing on the contour lines and fonts and this gives a nicer looking result.  You can also convert postscript to png or jpg using the Apple Preview program.

contour image
contour image

How to resize the atv window.

Just grab a corner of the atv window with your mouse, and drag it to the desired size.  The image will redisplay, preserving the central pixel of the display viewport.   Note: the code is set to have a minimum window size, so if you try to make the atv window really small it will set itself to this minimum size.

If you resize the main window and it comes out funny, just grab the corner and move it a little bit- that usually fixes the problem.


How to do quick aperture photometry.

Position the cursor right on top of the object you want to measure, and hit "p".  This brings up the photometry widget window.  The window displays the cursor position, computed object centroid, sky level, and number of counts in the aperture.  By changing the text in the input boxes, you can modify the centering box size, the photometric aperture radius, and the inner and outer sky radii.  Be sure to hit "Return" after changing one of these numbers, otherwise they won't be input into the photometry routines.   To measure a new object, just move the cursor on top of the object and hit "p" again.

ATV will try to find the centroid of the nearest object to the cursor position when doing photometry.  If it's not finding the object properly, you can tweak the centering box size.   If you want to do photometry at the current cursor position without recentering on the nearest object, set the centerbox size to 0.  Please note that if you do this, your aperture will always be centered on the middle of the pixel at the current cursor position.

To view the object's radial profile, click on "Show Radial Profile."  The FWHM is measured directly from the radial profile, and is not based on a fit to the profile.  It's just the radius at which the count level drops to half of its peak value.   So this number may come out somewhat different from what you'd get if you did a Gaussian fit to the profile or to the 2-dimensional shape of the object.

You can also set the mouse mode to ImExam, and use mouse button 1 for photometry at the current cursor position.  Or, you can bring up the photometry window from the ImageInfo menu.

The routine is set up so that the photometric aperture radius is always forced to be smaller than the inner sky radius, and the inner sky aperture is forced to be smaller than the outer sky aperture.

ATV uses the idlastro library routine "aper" to do the photometry calculations.  For details on how the photometry is done, look at the aper code in the idlphot subdirectory of your idlastro distribution.   Also, in the idlastro top-level 'text' subdirectory there is a file called daophot.tex that gives further details on the photometry routines.   ATV doesn't use daophot to calculate the object centroids, though, because the daophot routine calculates the centroids for all objects in an image, while ATV just wants to look at one object at at time.

If you click on the "Photometry Settings" button, ATV will bring up a dialog box which gives you a few options:

Choice of sky algorithm: Gives you a choice between using the mode sky value calculated by the GSFC IDLPhot "sky" routine (this is usually the best), or a simple median of the pixel values in the sky annulus, or no sky subtraction.  Depending on the image statistics and noise properties, the IDLPhot sky and median sky may differ significantly.  Look at where the sky level comes out in the radial profile window to see whether this matters for your data. 

Choice of counts or magnitudes:  If you want output in magnitudes, you can set the magnitude zeropoint in the dialog box.   For magnitudes to come out right, you need the zeropoint and exposure time to be set correctly.  ATV will attempt to read the exposure time from the EXPTIME header keyword.  If it's not there, it will assume an exposure time of 1 second, but you can adjust this in the photometry settings window.

By default, ATV will not return uncertainties on the photometric measurements.  The reason for this is that the photometry errors will only make sense if the gain and readout noise are given correctly.  It's better to not calculate any error bars at all, than to calculate meaningless error bars.  The readnoise and gain don't affect the counts (or magnitude) within the photometric aperture, but they are necessary to know the correct measurement uncertainty.   You can enter the readnoise and gain values in the photometry settings window, and then turn on the option to calculate photometric errors there too.  But, make sure that you're entering the correct values, especially accounting for any scaling factors that have been applied to your image, or any co-adding or averaging of frames, that would change the effective values of gain and readnoise.  Don't try to use the photometric errors unless you know what these numbers really mean for your data!

For standard CCD images, I've tested the photometry results against IRAF's built-in aperture photometry routines, and under normal circumstances the results come out essentially identically, including the error bars.  However, if you're using ATV for photometry, please be aware that the IDL photometry routines have not been tested as extensively as other photometry tools such as DAOPHOT or IRAF's photometry routines.

If you click on the "Write results to file..." button, it will prompt you for a filename to save your aperture photometry results.  If the file already exists, it will append the new data to the existing file.

How to do quick-look spectral extractions.

If you have a 2-d spectral image, ATV can do a quick and easy spectral extraction.  Just point the cursor to the middle of your spectrum and hit the 'x' button on your keyboard.   The extraction routine assumes that the dispersion direction is horizontal, so if your image has the dispersion direction running vertically, then rotate your image by 90 or 270 degrees first before extracting.  When you do the first extraction, ATV will bring up a window containing the adjustable parameters for the extraction, and a plot showing the extracted spectrum.

The extraction routine attempts to trace the spectrum with a simple centroiding routine, and then fits a polynomial to the trace.    In the spectral extraction parameters window, the "trace step" is the number of columns to be averaged together when calculating the centroid, and the "trace height" is the number of pixels in the y direction over which the centroid is calculated.  If you have 2 objects very close together with only a small gap between them and need to extract one of the objects, set the trace height to a small number (like 3).   If your spectrum is strongly curved, you might need a larger trace height.  The tracing may fail if your spectrum is extremely faint, especially if there are a lot of cosmic-ray hits in the image.  If your object spectrum doesn't cover the full size of the 2-d image in the x direction, you can change the "extraction start" and "end" parameters, and this often will help the trace and trace fit to work better.  It's often a good idea to zoom in on the trace to see whether the trace fit is working well, so you can choose the best trace fitting order.

When you do an extraction, ATV will overplot a few things on your image:  the trace points as red plus signs, the trace fit in blue, the extraction window in yellow, and the background windows in magenta.

In the spectral extraction parameters window, the "toggle parameter hold" button will hold your spectral extraction parameters and trace fixed until you click it again.  This can be useful for a couple of reasons: for extracting an arc lamp spectrum with exactly the same trace as a previously extracted science object, or for defining a trace on a bright object exposure and then extracting a very faint object in another exposure using exactly the same trace (assuming the objects were placed at the same position on the slit).   If you're extracting an arc lamp spectrum, or a spectrum that has already had a 2-d sky subtraction applied, then you can turn background subtraction off in the extraction by clicking the background subtraction button in the extraction parameter window.

The spectral extraction feature is intended primarily for quick-look reductions, and it does not have the full feature set of a general purpose extraction tool like apall in IRAF.  ATV doesn't (yet) do optimal extractions, and doesn't allow interactive editing of trace points.  Also, the background is calculated in a very simple way, just by taking the median value of each background region, and then averaging the upper and lower background values together.  This could be improved in the future by adding additional code to do rejection iterations for cosmic rays in the background region, allowing a polynomial fit to the background, etc.  However, changes like these would require more adjustable parameters and more user interaction, so for now I've chosen to just keep things as simple as possible.  The extraction routine should work very well for normal long-slit data as long as the object is not extremely faint.  It can also work well on multi-slit spectra or echelle spectra (even with curved spectral orders)- in this case you might have to set the extraction start and end parameters manually to define the region to be extracted.  However, the background subtraction is just done column-by-column, so if you have a spectrum where the night sky lines are tilted or strongly curved, the background subtraction will not work well.

The extracted spectrum can be saved either as a FITS spectrum or a plain 2-column ASCII file.

How to view image statistics for a region.

Just hit "i" to bring up the image statistics window, or set the mouse mode to "ImExam" and use mouse button 2.  The statistics window will show the image min and max value, and the min, max, mean, and median for a box centered on the cursor position.  You can change the box center or the box size by entering new numbers in the input boxes.  To see a zoomed-in view of the stats region, click on "Show Region".  The box size has to be odd, so that the cursor position will be at the center of the box.
You can also bring up the Stats window from the ImageInfo menu.

How to view the image header.

Go to the ImageInfo menu, and select ImageHeader.   If you've read in a fits image that has a valid header, the header will appear in a new window.

How to bring up row and column plots, and surface and contour plots.

With the cursor in the main draw window, the keyboard is used to bring up the plot window.

If you set the MouseMode to "Vector", this lets you plot the data along an arbitrary line drawn through the image.  Use the mouse to click on the starting point, and release the mouse button for the endpoint of your vector.

Also, in Vector mode, if you draw a vector on the image using mouse button 2, you'll get the same kind of vector plot, but with a simple Gaussian fit to the highest peak in the plot.   This can be useful for measuring the seeing or the width of an arc line in a long-slit spectroscopic exposure, for example.  The Gaussian fit allows for a sloped background sky component.

How to overplot text and graphics on the image.

Overplots are done via IDL command-line routines, or from the "Labels" menu.  The commands atvxyouts, atvplot, and atvcontour work just like the standard IDL commands xyouts, plot, and contour.  That is, for positioning the labels, you need to specify the actual (x, y) pixel coordinates in the image where you'd like the labels to appear.  Here are some examples:

To overplot text on an image:

atvxyouts, 100, 100, 'Your Ad Here', color='green', charsize=2

To overplot a line segment:

atvplot, findgen(50), findgen(50), color='red'

To mark a data point:

atvplot, [100], [100], psym=2

To overplot contour levels:

atv, array_name
atvcontour, array_name, c_colors=['magenta', 'yellow']

You can use the atvcontour command to overplot contours of one image on top of an entirely different image which is already displayed in the main ATV window.   This will work best if the two images have the same dimensions, of course.

The atvplot command can be used to overplot any plot symbol on top of a list of image coordinates, similar to the IRAF "tvmark" command.

To erase plot overlays, use atverase.  The command "atverase" by itself will remove all plot overlays, and "atverase, n" will erase the most recent n plot overlays.  When you display a new image, all plot overlays are erased so they won't plot on the new image.

The atvxyouts, atvplot, and atvcontour commands can take a variety of command-line keywords that let you customize the font, line thickness, line type , and character thickness, and other plot attributes.  See the keyword lists for the IDL xyouts, plot, and contour commands for details.

The default color for all overplots is red.  The available colors are (going from 0 to 7) black, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, and white.

The atvxyouts and atvcontour commands can also be accessed, with a limited range of options, from the "Labels" pull-down menu.  The "TextLabel" or "Contour" menu items bring up a dialog box that let you specify the label characteristics.   The "EraseLast" menu item removes the most recent plot overlay, and "EraseAll" removes all overplots.  With the cursor in the main display window, you can also hit the 'e' key to erase all overplots.

If your image has a valid world coordinate system in the header, you can display a compass (i.e. arrows pointing north and east) by selecting Compass from the Labels menu.  You can also plot a scale bar (i.e. a bar showing the size of 1 arcsecond) by selecting Scalebar from the Labels menu.  The compass option uses a GSFC library routine, and the scalebar option uses a slightly modified version of a library routine which allows re-scaling the size of the scale bar depending on the zoom factor.

There's nothing built in to ATV that selects which font family is chosen.  You can issue a !p.font command at the IDL prompt to change the font family between postscript, true type, or vector fonts.  This is something I'll try to work on in the future, to give the use the option to switch fonts from within ATV.  See the IDL online help or manuals for details on how IDL handles fonts.

The new Regions menu allows you to plot image regions in a way that's modeled after what DS9 and other image display routines use.  You can plot lines, boxes, circles, and ellipses, with the coordinates and sizes set by either pixel coordinates or RA,Dec if available.  You can also save your list of region overplots as a file and read it in later.

Thanks to David Schlegel for writing the original versions of the subroutines for creating plot overlays.

How to view image stacks or cubes.

This is a new feature in version 2.2.  If you read in a 3-dimensional FITS file or array, ATV will attempt to display it by bringing up a new slider widget that lets you select which slice of the array you want to view.  You can also view the mean or median of a set of slices.

If the array has the form (x, y, slice) then ATV will display it starting with the (x, y) image from slice 0.  ATV will also try to recognize Keck OSIRIS reduced data cubes, which are formatted as (y, x, lambda).  For those data cubes, ATV will reformat the array as (x, y, lambda) and the slider widget will let you choose which wavelength slice to display.

I'd like to extend this to support other formats of data cubes from IFU instruments, so if you find that ATV won't properly display a 3-d data cube from some other instrument, let me know. If you can send me an example data file, I can try to work on adding support for it.

If you select the "vector" mouse mode, you can use the right mouse button to do a "depth plot", where you select a 2-d region of the image and extract a spectrum or profile through the data cube within that spatial region.  The plot will come up in the usual ATV plot window.


How atv handles color tables.

ATV attempts to preserve the user's external color table, so you can move back and forth between ATV and other programs smoothly.

Prior to version 3, ATV reserved the bottom 8 entries in the color map for overplot colors, and it also set the top entry in the color table to be white.  As of version 3, it's not necessary to do this any more, because it now uses the Coyote Graphics library routines for plots, and that makes it possible to refer to specific colors (like "cyan") by name, regardless of what color table is currently being used.  So in version 3, ATV now uses the entire color table for the display colors of the main window and doesn't reserve any special entries in the color table any more.

How to quit atv.

There are a few ways to do this:

What to do if atv crashes.

This shouldn't happen often.  If it does happen, please let me know what you were doing when atv crashed, and I'll see what I can do to fix the problem.

To recover from an atv crash, just type the command 'atv_shutdown' at the idl command line.  This routine kills the atv windows and sets all the atv internal variables to zero to conserve memory.  Then, enter the command "retall" to IDL to set things back to normal.

Why does atv freeze sometimes?

The most common reason is that atv will hang if you're running another IDL routine which is running from the IDL prompt.  This prevents the atv event loop from working until the other IDL routine finishes.  This is not a bug in atv, it's an inherent limitation of IDL widgets, as far as I can tell.   Similarly, atv will hang if you have another IDL routine which is frozen or waiting for input at the IDL prompt via a "read" statement or something like that.

If you're using ATV and you set your IDL graphics device to postscript or some other device while ATV is still running, ATV will "hibernate" until you set the display device back to the screen.  This has to be done to prevent ATV from crashing, because you can't tv an image to screen or do cursor interaction if the display device is set to postscript.

How to use atv_activate and blocking mode.

Suppose you have a situation where you have an IDL program that processes a list of images, and you want to use ATV to look at each one before moving on to the next one.  If your main IDL program is running from the IDL prompt, then you can't use ATV at the same time, because ATV will freeze when the other program is running.   At the same time, when you look at an image in ATV, you may want your other program to halt and not send ATV the next image until you're done looking at the current one.

There are a couple of ways to deal with this situation.  The best is to use the atv_activate mode.  To understand what it does, try running the following program:

for i=1,3 do begin
    array = dist(i*100)
    print, 'Now displaying image number ', i
    atv, array

The atv_activate command makes atv active and blocks your command line until you hit "q" or select "Quit" from the file menu, at which point your command-line program resumes operation.   If it's not clear what this "atv_activate" command is doing in this program, try removing the atv_activate line and running the program again- that will make it pretty clear.

The atv_activate command can also be really useful if you're debugging a program.  If you have another program that hits a "stop" statement or crashes out with an error, then widget programs like atv will freeze until you type "retall".  If you want to still be able to use atv with your current session variables in memory before typing "retall", you can use "atv_activate" to turn atv on temporarily again.   This will block your command line until you tell atv to quit.

There is also a blocking mode, which may be occasionally useful but is not as useful as activate mode.  If you start up atv with the command

atv, /block

then atv will run as a blocking widget and block your command line until you quit. 

A list of keyboard commands.

Here are the keystroke commands you can use in the main atv display window. 
If you want to add your own new keyboard commands, you can add them in the subroutine atv_draw_keyboard_event.

Last update:  July 7 2016.
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