October 2014: Trevor successfully defended his thesis! Congrats!
September 2014: Laura Innes's paper Velocity Profiles in Pores with Undulating Opening Diameter and Their Importance for Resistive-Pulse Experiments was just published in Analytical Chemistry. Click here to see the paper.
July 2014: Matt Schiel's paper Diffusion and Trapping of Single Particles in Pores with Combined Pressure and Dynamic Voltage was just published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Click here to see the paper.
July 2014: Crystal Yang's joint publication with Peter Taborek's group appears in Applied Physics Letters.
June 2014: Steven Buchsbaum's paper was just accepted to the JACS, click here to see the paper.
April 2014: Congratulations to Laura for winning an award for "most interdisciplinary research" at the 2014 AGS Graduate Student Symposium!
April 2014: Tim passed his qualifying exam, congrats!
April 2014: Trevor Gamble's and Timothy Plett's paper was recently published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, the paper can be read here.
January 2014: Justin Menestrina, Crystal Yang, and Matthew Schiel had their paper accepted into the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, see the paper here.
December 2013: Zuzanna has been named as a 2013 American Physical Society (APS) Fellow! Congratulations on this prestigious award, click here for more information.
November 2013: Trevor Gamble's paper was recently published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, the paper can be read here.
July 2013: "Disentangling Steric and Electrostatic Factors in Nanoscale Transport Through Confined Space" by Steven Buchsbaum was just accepted by ACS Nano Letters. Check it out here.
June 2013: Congratulations to Dr. Matt Davenport who has defended his Ph.D.
May 2013: Dr. Gael Nguyen has defended his Ph.D. successfully. Congratulations! Click here to see pictures.
May 2013: Laura, Matt S. and Zuzanna were part of a team which won 3rd place in the Paul Merage School Business Plan Competition and the "Life Science Achievement Award."
May 2013: Steven Buchsbaum has advanced to candidacy for his Ph.D.
March 2013: We welcome Crystal Yang who is the newest member of our research group.
January 2013: Laura Innes has advanced to candidacy for her Ph.D.
January 2013: Dr. Matt Pevarnik successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis to become the 3rd student to graduate from our lab. Congratulations Matt, we are all very happy for you!
December 2012: Trevor Gamble has advanced to candidacy for his Ph.D! Good job!
August 2012: Congrats to Matt Davenport for his recent paper which was accepted to ACS Nano. Check it out here.
July 2012: Congratulations to Matt Pevarnik on his ACS Nano publication studying nanopore topology with particles. You can read the paper here.
July 2012 - August 2012: We are greeting Prof. Manuel G. Velarde from the University of Madrid, Spain who will spend July and August at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UC Irvine.
June 2012: Congratulations to Zuzanna who is this years recipient of the Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Research from the UC Irvine Senate.
June 2012: Zuzanna and Stefan Howorka have been publushed in the News and Views section of Nature Biotechnology. Check out their paper titled "Nanopores as Protein Sensors" here.
January 2012: Matt's paper "A Hydrophobic Entrance Enhances Ion Current Rectification and Induces Dewetting in Asymmetric Nanopores" has just been published on the web as an Advance Article in Analyst and can be found here. Congratulations!
December 2011: Good job Matt Powell, Matt Davenport and Zuzanna for making the front cover of Nature Nanotech December 2011 issue! "Wetting and Dewetting in single hydrophobic nanopores" was the feature article. Click here to see the cover. Also, please read the News and Views comment found here.
September 2011: Check out this video published by Science Today about Zuzanna and our lab! This feature video shows medical applications to our lab’s nanopore technology
August 2011: Zuzanna is featured on the August issue of UCI University Communications for an interview about our lab’s research and its medical applications. See it here!
April 2011- September 2011: Congratulations to Steven, Trevor and Laura for passing their qualifying exams!
September 2011: Eric Kalman has a new awesome position at Nanometrics, located in Northern California!
August 2011: Matt Pevarnik advances to candidacy for his PhD. Congratulations!