Here we see that a body must have an external and centripetally directed force in order to move circularly. While in contact with the ring, the ball experiences a centripetal force provided by the normal force of the ring, and thus moves along a circular path. Once the ball exits the ring, there is no longer any force exerted by the ring, and so the ball must move along a straight-line path that is tangent to the ring at the exit point.
- Place the broken ring on the overhead projector with the foam side down.
- Roll the ball around the inside of the ring towards the broken section.
- Notice that the ball moves in a straight line upon exiting the ring.
- Repeat the demonstration using the transparent ruler to show that the ball’s path is indeed straight and parallel to the ring opening at the broken section.
- Broken Ring
- Small Ball
- 6 inch Transparent Ruler
- Overhead Projector (not pictured)