Triple Point Dewetting and Binary Liquid Mixtures

Binary liquid mixtures are liquids that are composed of two different molecular components, A and B. For a particular range of temperatures and concentrations a typical binary liquid mixture will phase separate into two different liquid phases, like a mixture of oil and water. We will denote the two liquid phases as (rich in the A component) and (rich in the B component). A phase diagram for a phase separating binary liquid mixture coexisting with its vapor is shown in Figure 5 in both temperature-concentration space (a) and temperature-chemical potential space (b). The region of three coexisting phases (, and vapor) of Figure 5(a) becomes a line when plotted as in Figure 5(b) and will therefore be referred to as the triple line.

A triple line can be considered as a line of triple points. Consequently, as was shown by Pettersen and Saam [30], in a binary liquid system there can be a line of triple point induced dewetting transitions-- a dewetting line. This will occur in systems in which both and separately wet the interface between a substrate and the vapor, but one liquid, say , wets more strongly than the other (assuming that does not wet the interface between and the vapor). Furthermore, if there is a transition on the triple line between wetting films (on the substrate) of and films of , then there will be a dewetting line attached to that transition.

If wets the interface between and the vapor, then films become - films. In this case, a transition between the two different wetting films, and -, is equivalent to a wetting transition of at the interface between the substrate and . Such a wetting transition will have both prewetting and dewetting lines. This situation is illustrated in the temperature-chemical potential phase diagram of Figure 6. The six boxes to either side of and below the phase diagram illustrate the adsorption states for the case that the substrate forms the walls of a container. At point A, there is bulk and vapor in the container with a thin layer of between them, and films wet the walls of the container. Moving towards point B, on the triple line above the wetting transition, the layer diverges in thickness so that all three bulk phases are present in the container. Proceeding to point C, the phase is no longer stable in the bulk so the films become microscopic in thickness. The substrate is still wet, however, because of the thick films. In crossing the prewetting line towards point D, the thin films disappear altogether leaving only the phase to wet the container walls. At point E, on the triple line below the wetting transition, there is again both bulk and in the container, but only wets the walls. If the system is shifted towards point F, the films remain on the walls, but is no longer stable in the bulk. So in the region around point F, the walls of the container are non-wet.