Papers published in refereed journals |
375. |
Zhe Wang, Clare C. Yu, and Ruqian Wu,
"Why superconducting Ta qubits have fewer tunneling two-level systems at the vacuum-oxide interface than Nb qubits”,
Phys. Rev. Applied, 23 , 024017 (2025).
374. |
Hongbin Yang, Yinong Zhou, Guangyao Miao, Ján Rusz, Xingxu Yan, Francisco Guzman, Xiaofeng Xu, Xianghan Xu, Toshihiro Aoki, Paul Zeiger, Xuetao Zhu, Weihua Wang, Jiandong Guo, Ruqian Wu and Xiaoqing Pan,
"Phonon modes and electron–phonon coupling at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface”,
Nature, 635 , 332 (2024).
373. |
Ziqin Yue, Jianwei Huang, Ruohan Wang, Jia-Wan Li, Hongtao Rong, Yucheng Guo, Han Wu, Yichen Zhang, Junichiro Kono, Xingjiang Zhou, Yusheng Hou, Ruqian Wu, and Ming Yi,
"Topological Surface State Evolution in Bi2Se3 via Surface Etching”,
Nano Letters, 24, 12413 (2024).
372. |
Mashnoon Alam Sakib, Brandon Triplett, William Harris, Naveed Hussain, Alexander Senichev, Melika Momenzadeh, Joshua Bocanegra, Polina Vabishchevich, Ruqian Wu, Alexandra Boltasseva, Vladimir M Shalaev, Maxim R Shcherbakov,
"Purcell-Induced Bright Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride”,
Nano Letters, 24, 12390 (2024).
371. |
Shi-Bo Zhao, Xiang-Fan Huang, Ze-quan Wang, Ruqian Wu, and Yusheng Hou,
"Thickness-dependent anisotropic Gilbert damping in heterostructures of ferromagnets and two-dimensional ferroelectric bismuth monolayers”,
Phys. Rev. B, 110, 094435 (2024).
370. |
Dmitri Leo M. Cordova, Yinong Zhou, Griffin M. Milligan, Kaleolani S Ogura, Ruqian Wu, and Maxx Q Arguilla,
"Bonding-Directed Crystallization of Ultra-Long One-Dimensional NbS3 van der Waals Nanowires”,
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 146, 22863 (2024).
369. |
Yinong Zhou, Dmitri Leo M. Cordova, Griffin M. Milligan, Maxx Q. Arguilla, and Ruqian Wu,
"Higher-dimensional spin selectivity in chiral crystals”,
Phys. Rev. B, 110, 045434 (2024).
368. |
Laisi Chen, Amy X Wu, Naol Tulu, Joshua Wang, Adrian Juanson, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Michael T Pettes, Marshall A Campbell, Mingjie Xu, Chaitanya A Gadre, Yinong Zhou, Hangman Chen, Penghui Cao, Luis A Jauregui, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoqing Pan, Javier D Sanchez-Yamagishi
"Exceptional electronic transport and quantum oscillations in thin bismuth crystals grown inside van der Waals materials”,
Nature Materials, 23, 741 (2024).
367. |
Song Chen, Ruqian Wu, and Hua-Hua Fu,
"Persistent Chirality-Induced Spin-Selectivity Effect in Circular Helix
Nano Letters, 24, 6210 (2024).
366. |
Feng Xue, Jiaheng Li, Yizhou Liu, Ruqian Wu, Yong Xu, and Wenhui Duan,
"Valley-dependent multiple quantum states and topological transitions in germanene-based ferromagnetic van der Waals heterostructures”,
Phys. Rev. B, 109, 195147 (2024).
365. |
D. L. Mickelsen, Ruqian Wu, and Clare C. Yu,
"Monte Carlo spin simulations of magnetic noise: The search for pivoting”,
Phys. Rev. B, 109, 144510 (2024).
364. |
Ze-quan Wang, Feng Xue, Liang Qiu, Zhe Wang, Ruqian Wu, Yusheng Hou,
"Switching intrinsic magnetic skyrmions with controllable magnetic anisotropy in van der Waals multiferroic heterostructures”,
Nano Lett, 24, 4117 (2024).
363. |
Wenbo Yang, Yingkai Liu, Yu Ni, Jiangping Hu, Wu-Ming Liu, Ruqian Wu, and Zhaoming Fu,
“Origin of interfacial orbital reconstruction in perovskite superlattices”,
Phys. Rev. Lett, 132, 126201 (2024).
362. |
Dmitri Leo Cordova, Yinong Zhou, Griffin Milligan, Leo Cheng, Tyler Kerr, Joseph Ziller, Ruqian Wu, Maxx Arguilla,
“Sensitive thermochromic behavior of InSeI, a highly anisotropic and tubular 1D van der Waals Crystal”,
Advanced Materials, 36, 2312597 (2024).
361. |
Yi Wu, Yilian Li, Xiaozheng Fan, Yinong Zhou, Chunlan Ma, Shijing Gong, Tianxing Wang, Feng Yang, Ruqian Wu, and Yipeng An,
“Electronic transport characteristics and nanodevice designs for β-HfNCl monolayer”,
Results in Physics, 57, 107360 (2024).
360. |
Feng Xue, Yusheng Hou, Zhe Wang, Zhiming Xu, Ke He, Ruqain Wu, Yong Xu, and Wenhui Duan,
"Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Ferromagnetic van der Waals Heterostructures",
National Science Review, 11, nwad151 (2024).
359. |
Jie Li, Peiru Yang, Wei Ren, and Ruqian Wu,
“Pressure-induced switching between topological phases in magnetic van der Waals heterostructures”,
Phys. Rev. B, 109, 035419 (2024).
358. |
Jinyu Liu, Yinong Zhou, Sebastian Yepez Rodriguez, Matthew A. Delmont, Robert A. Welser, Nicholas Sirica, Kaleb McClure, Paolo Vilmercati, Joseph W. Ziller, Norman Mannella, Javier D. Sanchez-Yamagishi, Michael T. Pettes, Ruqian Wu, Luis A. Jauregui,
“Controllable Strain-driven Topological Phase Transition and Dominant Surface State Transport in HfTe5”,
Nature Communications, 15, 332 (2024).
357. |
Yudong Pang, Xilin Zhang, Mingyang Wang, Zhenpu Shi, Zongxian Yang, Zhansheng Lu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Research on the mechanism of interactions between Li/Na/K atoms and electrode materials”,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 123, 203905 (2023).
356. |
P.J. Zou, Z. Wang, C.C. Yu and R. Q. Wu
“Impact of Magnetic Adsorbates on Shallow Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers: Insights from Diamond C(001) Surface Studies”,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 18706 (2023).
355. |
Yipeng An, Juncai Chen, Yong Yan, Jinfeng Wang, Yinong Zhou, Zhengxuan Wang, Chunlan Ma, Tianxing Wang, Ruqian Wu, Wuming Liu,
“Higher-order topological and nodal superconducting transition-metal sulfides MS(M=Nb and Ta)”,
Phys. Rev. B, 108, 054519 (2023).
354. |
Y. Zhu, Y. F. Pan, L. Ge, J. Y. Fan, D. N. Shi, C. L. Ma, J. Hu, and R. Q. Wu
“Separating RKKY interaction from other exchange mechanisms in two-dimensional magnetic materials”,
Phys. Rev. B, 108, L041401 (2023).
353. |
Huaixun Huyan
Huaixun Huyan, Zhe Wang, Linze Li, Xingxu Yan, Yi Zhang, Colin Heikes, Darrell G. Schlom, Ruqian Wu, and Xiaoqing Pan,
“Dislocation-Assisted Quasi-Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Nanochannels Embedded in Perovskite Thin Films”,
Nano Letters, 23, 5409 (2023).
352. |
S. B. Song, Z. Wang, and R. Q. Wu,
“Ferroelectric control of magnetic properties of 5d transition metal Monolayers”,
Phys. Rev. B, 107, 184436 (2023).
351. |
Tom Lee, Ji Qi, Chaitanya A Gadre, Huaixun Huyan, Shu-Ting Ko, Yunxing Zuo, Chaojie Du, Jie Li, Toshihiro Aoki, Caden John Stippich, Ruqian Wu, Jian Luo, Shyue Ping Ong, Xiaoqing Pan,
“Atomic-scale origin of the low grain-boundary resistance in perovskite solid electrolyte Li0.375Sr0.4375Ta0.75Zr0.25O3”,
Nature Communications, 14, 1940 (2023).
350. |
Ao Lou, Huahua Fu and Ruqian Wu,
“Ga4C-family crystals, a new generation of star thermoelectric materials, induced by band degeneracies, valley anisotropy, strong phonon scattering and others”,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 7802 (2023).
349. |
Jie Li and Ruqian Wu,
“Electrically tunable topological phase transition in van der Waals heterostructures”,
Nano Letters, 23, 2173 (2023).
348. |
Yipeng An, Juncai Chen, Zhengxuan Wang, Jie Li, Shijing Gong, Chunlan Ma, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoyong Jiao, Ruqian Wu, Jiangping Hu, Wuming Liu,
“Topological and nodal superconductor kagome magnesium triboride”,
Phys. Rev. Matt, 7, 014205 (2023).
347. |
Yinong Zhou and Ruqian Wu,
“Remote control of spin polarization of topological corner states”,
Phys. Rev. B, 107, 035412 (2023).
346. |
Su Kong Chong, Peng Zhang, Jie Li, Yinong Zhou, Jingyuan Wang, Huairuo Zhang, Albert V Davydov, Christopher Eckberg, Peng Deng, Lixuan Tai, Jing Xia, Ruqian Wu, Kang L Wang,
“Electrical Manipulation of Topological Phases in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator”,
Advanced Materials, 35, 207622 (2023).
345. |
Xingxu Yan, Jie Li, Lei Gu, Chaitanya A. Gadre, Samuel L. Moore, Toshihiro Aoki, Shuopei Wang, Guangyu Zhang, Zhaoli Gao, Dmitri N. Basov, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoqing Pan,
“Curvature-Induced One-Dimensional Phonon Polaritons at Edges of Folded Boron Nitride Sheets”,
Nano Letter, 22, 9319 (2022).
344. |
Lei Gu, Jie Li, and Ruqian Wu,
“Reconsidering Spin-Phonon Relaxation in Magnetic Molecules”,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 564, 170138 (2022).
343. |
Lixuan Tai, Jie Li, Su Kong Chong, Huairuo Zhang, Peng Zhang, Peng Deng, Christopher Eckberg, Gang Qiu,
Bingqian Dai, Haoran He, Di Wu, Shijie Xu, Albert V. Davydov, Ruqian Wu, and Kang L. Wang,
“Distinguishing two-component anomalous Hall effect from topological Hall effect in magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4”,
ACS Nano, 16, 17336 (2022).
342. |
Yu Bai, Zhe Wang, Wisal Muhammad, Lifeng Xiang, Qiang Li, Huilin Lai, Yinyan Zhu, Wenbing Wang,
Hangwen Guo, Na Lei, Lifeng Yin, Ruqian Wu and Jian Shen,
“Enhanced Anomalous Hall Effect of Pt on an Antiferromagnetic Insulator with Fully Compensated Surface”,
Chin. Phys. Lett., 39, 108501 (2022).
341. |
Yudong Pang, Zhansheng Lu, Shamraiz Hussain Talib, Xinyuan Li, Mingyang Wang, Xilin Zhang, Zongxian Yang and Ruqian Wu,
“Mechanism of Efficient Adsorption of Na Atoms on Electron-Deficient Doped MoS2 for Battery Electrodes”,
Phys. Rev. Appl., 18, 034061 (2022).
340. |
D. Kirk Lewis, Younghoon Oh, Luke Nambi Mohanam, Micha Wierzbicki, Lei Gu, Allon Hochbaum, Ruqian Wu, Qiang Cui, and Sahar Sharifzadeh,
“Electronic Structure of de Novo Peptide ACC-Hex from First Principles”,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 126, 4289 (2022).
339. |
Shaowei Li, Gregory Czap, Jie Li, Yanxing Zhang, Arthur Yu, Dingwang Yuan, Hikari Kimura, Ruqian Wu and Wilson Ho,
“Confinement-Induced Catalytic Dissociation of Hydrogen Molecules in a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 9618 (2022).
338. |
Chaitanya A. Gadre, Xingxu Yan, Qichen Song, Jie Li, Lei Gu, Toshihiro Aoki, Sheng-Wei Lee, Gang Chen, Ruqian Wu, and Xiaoqing Pan,
“Nanoscale Imaging of Phonons Dynamics by Electron Microscopy",
Nature, 606, 292 (2022).
337. |
Yusheng Hou, Feng Xue, Liang Qiu, Zhe Wang and R. Q. Wu,
“Multifunctional Two-dimensional van der submitted. Waals Janus Magnet Cr-based Dichalcogenide Halides”,
npj Computational Materials, 8, 120 (2022).
336. |
Chloe Groome, Huong Ngo, Jie Li, Chen Santillan Wang, Ruqian Wu, Regina Ragan,
“Influence of Magnetic Moment on Single Atom Catalytic Activation Energy Barriers”,
Cata. Lett. 152, 1347 (2022).
335. |
S. B. Song, Z. Wang, J. Li, and R. Q. Wu,
“First-principles determination of magnetic properties of CoCp2 on the Cr(001) surface”,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 064415 (2022).
334. |
Jie Li, and Ruqian Wu,
“Ferroelectrics and Photovoltaics in Endohedral Fullerenes-based van der Waals Heterostructure”,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 023301 (2022).
333. |
Jie Li, Lei Gu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Slow spin relaxation in single endohedral fullerene molecules”,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 224431 (2021).
332. |
Yipeng An, Jie Li, Kun Wang, Guangtao Wang, Shijing Gong, Chunlan Ma, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoyong Jiao,
Xiao Dong, Guoliang Xu, Ruqian Wu, and Wuming Liu,
“Superconductivity and topological properties of
MgB2-type diborides from first principles”,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 134510 (2021).
331. |
Hualei Sun, Cuiqun Chen, Yusheng Hou, Weiliang Wang, Yu Gong, Mengwu Huo,
Lisi Li, Jia Yu, Wanping Cai, Naitian Liu, Ruqian Wu, Dao-Xin Yao, Meng Wang,
“Magnetism variation of the compressed antiferromagnetic topological insulator EuSn2As2”,
Sci. China Phys., Mech. & Astron. 64, 118211 (2021).
330. |
Qian Sun, Jie Li, Yi Li, Zongxian Yang, and Ruqian Wu,
“Cr2NX2 MXene (X = O, F, OH): A 2D ferromagnetic half-metal”,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 062404 (2021).
329. |
Jie Li and R. Q. Wu,
“Bias-tunable two-dimensional magnetic and topological materials”,
Nanoscale 13, 12513 (2021).
328. |
Qing-Bo Liu, Hua-Hua Fu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Topological phononic nodal hexahedron net and nodal links in the high-pressure phase of the semiconductor CuCl”,
Phy. Rev. B 104, 045409 (2021).
327. |
B. H. Zhang, Z. Wang, R. Q. Wu,
“First-principles studies of the unconventional spin-phonon coupling mediated by spin-orbit coupling in pyrochlore
Phy. Rev. B 104, 024411 (2021).
326. |
Y. S. Hou, S. Ardo, and R. Q. Wu,
“Hybrid density functional study of band gap engineering of SrTiO3 photocatalyst via doping for water splitting”,
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 065801 (2021).
325. |
X Yang, X Zhang, Z Lu, Z Yang, and R Wu,
“Design of Highly Stable and Efficient Bifunctional MXene-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions”,
Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 044053 (2021).
324. |
Lei Gu and Ruqian Wu,
“Robust Cortical Criticality and Diverse Neural Network Dynamics Resulting from Functional Specification”,
Phys. Rev. E, 103, 042407 (2021).
323. |
Yipeng An, Kun Wang, Shijing Gong, Yusheng Hou, Chunlan Ma, Mingfu Zhu,
Chuanxi Zhao, Tianxing Wang, Shuhong Ma, Heyan Wang, Ruqian Wu, and Wuming Liu,
“Nanodevices engineering and spin transport properties of MnBi2Te4 monolayer”,
npj Computational Materials, 7, 45 (2021).
322. |
J. Li and R.Q. Wu,
“Two-dimensional multifunctional materials from endohedral fullerenes”,
Phys. Rev. B, 103, 115417 (2021).
321. |
Y.S. Hou and R.Q. Wu,
“Alloying vanadium in MnBi2Te4 for robust ferromagnetic coupling and quantum anomalous Hall effect”,
Phys. Rev. B, 103, 064412 (2021).
320. |
B.H. Zhang, Y.S. Hou, Z. Wang, R.Q. Wu,
“Tuning Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions in Magnetic Bilayers with Ferroelectric Substrate”,
Phys. Rev. B, 103, 054417 (2021).
319. |
Lei Gu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Origins of anomalous Raman exponents in single molecule magnets”,
Phys. Rev. B, 103, 014401 (2021).
318. |
Xingxu Yan, Chengyan Liu, Chaitanya A. Gadre, Lei Gu, Toshihiro Aoki, Tracy C. Lovejoy, Niklas Dellby, Ondrej L. Krivanek,
Darrell G. Schlom, Ruqian Wu and Xiaoqing Pan,
“Single-defect phonons imaged by electron microscopy”,
Nature, 589 , 65 (2021).
317. |
Jie Li and Ruqian Wu,
“Metal-organic Frameworks: Possible New Two-Dimensional Magnetic and Topological van der Waals materials”,
Nanoscale 12, 23620 (2020).
316. |
Lei Gu and Ruqian Wu
“Density functional study of relaxation of adsorbate vibration modes: Dominance of anharmonic interaction”,
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 184703 (2020).
315. |
J. Karel, D.S. Bouma, C. Fuchs, S. Bennett, P. Corbae, S.B. Song, B.H. Zhang, R.Q. Wu, F. Hellman,
“Anomalous Hall Angle in Amorphous Transition Metal Thin Films”,
Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 114105 (2020).
314. |
Zhaoming Fu, Bowen Yang, and Ruqian Wu,
“Understanding the activity of single-atom catalysis from Frontier Orbitals”,
Phys. Rev. Lett, 125, 156001(2020).
313. |
Lei Gu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Origins of slow magnetic relaxation in single-molecule magnets”,
Phys. Rev. Lett, 125, 117203 (2020).
312. |
Jie Li, Lei Gu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Stable giant magnetic anisotropy energy and long coherence time of uranium adatoms on defect aluminum oxide”,
Phys. Rev. B, 102, 054406 (2020).
311. |
Yipeng An, Yusheng Hou, Kun Wang, Shi-Jing Gong, Chuanxi Zhao, Tian-Xing Wang, Zhao-Yong Jiao, Heyan Wang, and Ruqian Wu,
"Multifunctional Lateral Transition-Metal Disulfides Heterojunctions",
Advanced Functional Mater., 30 , 2002939 (2020).
310. |
Gui-Fang Du, Hua-Hua Fu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Vibration-enhanced spin-selective transport of electrons in the DNA double helix”,
Phys. Rev. B, 102 , 035431 (2020).
309. |
D.W. Yuan, Y.N. Zhang, W. Ho, and R.Q. Wu,
"Effect of van der Waals interactions in density functional studies of adsorption, catalysis and tribology"
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 , 16926 (2020).
308. |
Lu, Zhansheng; Cheng, Yingjie; Li, Shuo; Yang, Zongxian; Wu, Ruqian,
"CO2 thermoreduction to methanol on the MoS2 supported single Co atom catalyst: A DFT study",
Appl. Surf. Sci., 528 , 147047 (2020).
307. |
Xinwei Yang, Yanxing Zhang, Zhaoming Fu, Zhansheng Lu, Xilin Zhang, Yan Wang, Zongxian Yang, Ruqian Wu,
“Tailoring Electronic Structure of Transition Metals by V2C MXene Support: Excellent Oxygen Reduction Performance Triggered by Metal-Support Interactions”,
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interface, 12 , 28206 (2020).
306. |
Mei Fang, Yanmei Wang, Hui Wang, Yusheng Hou, Eric Vetter, Yunfang Kou, Wenting Yang, Lifeng Yin, Zhu Xiao,
Zhou Li, Lu Jiang, Ho Nyung Lee, Shufeng Zhang, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoshan Xu, Dali Sun, Jian Shen,
“Tuning the interfacial spin-orbit coupling with ferroelectricity",
Nature Communications, 11 , 2627 (2020).
305. |
Feng Xue, Zhe Wang, Yusheng Hou, Lei Gu, Ruqian Wu,
“Control magnetic properties of MnBi2Te4 with a van der Waals ferroelectric III2-VI3 film and biaxial strain",
Phys. Rev. B, 101, 184426 (2020).
304. |
Y. Zhu, J. Y. Fan, and R. Q. Wu,
“Extended NdJ relationship with the size, multiple exchanges and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction for Neel skyrmions in hexagonal magnetic Interfaces",
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 507 , 166805 (2020).
303. |
P. J. Zuo, H. Wang, Zhe Wang, R.Q. Wu,
“Large Magnetic Anisotropy of Single Transition Metal Adatoms on WS2",
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 506, 166796 (2020).
302. |
Y. S. Hou, J. W. Kim, and R. Q. Wu,
“Axion insulator state in ferromagnetically ordered CrI3/Bi2Se3/MnBi2Se4 heterostructure",
Phys. Rev. B, 101, 121401(R) (2020).
301. |
Yipeng An, Yusheng Hou, Shijing Gong, Ruqian Wu, Chuanxi Zhao, Tianxing Wang, Zhaoyong Jiao, Heyan Wang, Wuming Liu,
“Evaluating the exfoliation of two-dimensional materials with a Green's function surface model",
Phys. Rev. B, 101, 75416 (2020).
300. |
Jie Li, Lei Gu and Ruqian Wu,
“Transition-metal phthalocyanine monolayers as new Chern insulators”,
Nanoscale, 12 , 3888 (2020).
299. |
Jie Li, Lei Gu and Ruqian Wu,
“Possible Realization and Protection of Valley-Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Mn/WS2”,
Phys. Rev. B, 101, 024412 (2020).
298. |
Xingxu Yan, Feng Xue, Jingying Zheng, Lin Xie, Yi Zhang, Mingjie Xu,
Mian Zhang, Liying Jiao, Ruqian Wu, Peng Wang and Xiaoqing Pan,
“Anomalous Linear Layer-Dependent Blue Shift of Ultraviolet-Range Interband Transition in Two-Dimensional MoS2”,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 , 1609 (2020).
297. |
D. S. Bouma, Z. Chen, B. Zhang, F. Bruni, M. E. Flatte, R. Streubel, L.-W. Wang, R. Q. Wu, and F. Hellman,
“Itinerant ferromagnetism and intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in amorphous iron-germanium”,
Phys. Rev. B, 101, 014402 (2020).
296. |
Yipeng An, Shijing Gong, Yusheng Hou, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Zhaoyong Jiao, Tianxing Wang, and Jutao Jiao,
“MoB2: a new multifunctional transition metal diboride monolay”,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 32, 055503 (2020).
295. |
Feng Xue, Yusheng Hou, Zhe Wang, and Ruqian Wu,
“Two-dimensional ferromagnetic van der Waals CrCl3 monolayer with enhanced anisotropy and Curie temperature”,
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 224429 (2019).
294. |
Binghua Zhang, Yusheng Hou, Zhe Wang, and Ruqian Wu,
“First-principles studies of spin-phonon coupling in Cr2Ge2Te6 monolayer”,
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 224427 (2019).
293. |
Wenpei Gao, Christopher Addiego, Hui Wang, Xingxu Yan, Yusheng Hou, Dianxiang Ji,
Colin Heikes, Yi Zhang, Linze Li, Huaixun Huyan, Thomas Blum, Toshihiro Aoki, Yuefeng Nie, Darrell Schlom, Ruqian Wu, Xiaoqing Pan,
“Real-space charge-density imaging with sub-ångstrom resolution by four-dimensional electron microscopy”,
Nature, 575 , 480 (2019).
292. |
Xingxu Yan, Chengyan Liu, Chaitanya A. Gadre, Sheng Dai, Lei Gu, Kehang Yu, Toshihiro Aoki, Ruqian Wu, and Xiaoqing Pan,
“Unexpected strong thermally-induced phonon energy shift for mapping local temperature”,
Nano Lett, 19 , 7494 (2019).
291. |
B.H. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y.N. Zhang, and R.Q. Wu,
“Effect of structural disordering on magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Fe3Si”,
Phys. Rev. Mater, 3 , 095602 (2019).
290. |
Gregory Czap, Peter J. Wagner, Jie Li, Feng Xue, Jiang Yao, R. Wu, and W. Ho,
“Detection of spin-vibration states in single magnetic molecules”,
Phys. Rev. Lett, 123 , 106803 (2019).
289. |
Hua-Hua Fu, Gui-Fang Du, Dan-Dan Wu, Qing-Bo Liu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Spin-orbit coupling induced robust spin-Seebeck effect and pure thermal spin currents in achiral molecule systems” ,
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 085407 (2019).
288. |
Qing-Bo Liu, Hua-Hua Fu, Gang Xu, Rui Yu, and Ruqian Wu,
“Categories of phononic topological Weyl Nodal straight lines and a perfect material candidate: Rb2Sn2O3” ,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 10, 4045 (2019).
287. |
S. J. Xu, J. Y. Shi, Y. S. Hou, R.Q. Wu, S.M. Zhou, Z. Shi, and W. J. Fan,
“Tuning of intrinsic magnetic damping parameter in epitaxial CoNi (001) films: Role of the band filling effect”,
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 024403 (2019).
286. |
Yipeng An, Yusheng Hou, Hui Wang, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Tianxing Wang, Haixia Da, and Jutao Jiao,
“Unveiling the electric-current-limiting and photodetection effect in two-dimensional hydrogenated borophene”,
Phys. Rev. Appl, 11, 064031 (2019).
285. |
Hongyan Chen, Yang Yu, Zhe Wang, Yu Bai, Hanxuan Lin, Xiaolong Li, Hao Liu, Tian Miao, Yunfang Kou, Yongsheng Zhang, Yan Li, Jin Tang, Zechao Wang, Peng Cai, Yinyan Zhu, Zhaohua Cheng, Xiaoyan Zhong, Wenbin Wang, Xinyu Gao, Ruqian Wu, Lifeng Yin, Jian Shen,
“Thickness-driven first-order phase transitions in manganite ultrathin films”,
Phys. Rev. B, 99, 214419 (2019).
284. |
Yusheng Hou, Jeongwoo Kim, and Ruqian Wu,
“Magnetizing topological surface states of Bi2Se3 with a CrI3 monolayer”,
Science Advances, 5, eaaw1874 (2019).
283. |
Yipeng An, Yusheng Hou, Hui Wang, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu, Chengyan Liu, Tianxing Wang, Jutao Jiao,
“Multifunctional 2D CuSe monolayer nanodevice”,
J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 31, 355301 (2019).
282. |
Hui Wang and Ruqian Wu,
“First-principles investigation of the effect of substitution and surface adsorption on magnetostrictive performance of Fe-Ga alloys”,
Phys. Rev. B, 99, 205125 (2019).
281. |
Gregory Czap, Peter J. Wagner, Feng Xue, Lei Gu, Jie Li, Jiang Yao, Ruqian Wu, and W. Ho,
“Probing and imaging spin interactions with a magnetic single-molecule sensor”,
Science, 364, 670 (2019).
280. |
Yusheng Hou, and Ruqian Wu, “Strongly enhanced gilbert damping in 3d transition-metal ferromagnet monolayers in contact with the topological insulator
Bi2Se3”, Phys. Rev. Appl., 11, 054032 (2019).pdf
279. |
Yusheng Hou, and Ruqian Wu, “Axion insulator state in a ferromagnet/topological insulator/antiferromagnet heterostructure”,
Nano Lett, 19, 2472 (2019).
278. |
Mark Lohmann, Tang Su, Ben Niu, Yusheng Hou, Mohammed Alghamdi, Mohammed Aldosary, Wenyu Xing, Jiangnan Zhong, Shuang Jia, Wei Han, Ruqian Wu, Yongtao Cui, and Jing Shi, “Probing magnetism in insulating Cr2Ge2Te6 by induced anomalous hall Effect in Pt”, Nano Lett., 19, 2397 (2019).pdf
277. |
Y. Zhu, Y. F. Pan, Z. Q. Yang, X. Y. Wei, J. Hu, Y. P. Feng, H. Zhang and R. Q. Wu “Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida Mechanism for Magnetic Ordering of Sparse Fe Adatoms on Graphene”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 4441 (2019).pdf
276. |
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Michael Van Order, Shayandev Sinha, Hui Wang, Ruqian Wu, Karen Gaskell, and Alison Flatau, “Non-destructive surface energy measurements on (100) Galfenol”, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2, 1800043 (2019).pdf
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Yipeng An, Jutao Jiao, Yusheng Hou, Hui Wang,Ruqian Wu,Chengyan Liu,Xuenian Chen, Tianxing Wang, Kun Wang,
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Dan-Dan Wu, Hua-Hua Fu, Qing-Bo Liu, and Ruqian Wu, “How to realize spin-Seebeck effect with a high spin figure of merit in magnetic boron-nitrogen nanoribbon and nanotube structures?”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 10603(2018).pdf
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Chen S. Wang, Hui Wang, Ruqian Wu, and Regina Ragan, “Evaluating the stability of single-atom catalysts with high chemical activity”, J. Phys. Chem. C. 122, 21919 (2018).pdf
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Dan-Dan Wu, Hua-Hua Fu, Qing-Bo Liu, Gui-Fang Du, and Ruqian Wu, “Magnetic nanotubes: A new material platform to realize a robust spin-Seebeck effect and a perfect thermal spin-filtering effect”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 115422 (2018).pdf
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Y. An, J. Jiao, Y. Hou, H. Wang, D. Wu, T. Wang, Z. Fu, G. Xu and R. Wu, “How does the electric current propagate through fully-hydrogenated borophene?”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 21552 (2018).pdf
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Tao Liu, Yufan Li, Lei Gu, Junjia Ding, Houchen Chang, P. A. Praveen Janantha, Boris Kalinikos, Valentyn Novosad, Axel Hoffmann, Ruqian Wu, C. L. Chien, and Mingzhong Wu, “Nontrivial nature and penetration depth of topological surface states in SmB6 thin films”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 207206 (2018).pdf
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Arthur Yu, Shaowei Li, Hui Wang, Siyu Chen, Ruqian Wu and W. Ho, “Visualization of nanoplasmonic coupling to molecular orbital in light emission induced by tunneling electrons”, Nano Letters 18, 3076 (2018).pdf
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Jeongwoo Kim and Ruqian Wu, “Manipulating the one-dimensional topological edge state of Bi bilayer nanoribbons via magnetic orientation and electric field”, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 115151 (2018).pdf
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Jun Hu, Peng Wang, Jijun Zhao, and Ruqian Wu, “Engineering magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional magnetic materials”, Advance in Physics X, 3, 1432415 (2018).pdf
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Xilin Zhang, Zongxian Yang, and Ruqian Wu, “A Au monolayer on WC(0001) with unexpected high activity towards CO oxidation”, Nanoscale,10,4753(2018).pdf
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Dan-Dan Wu, Qing-Bo Liu, Hua-Hua Fu, and Ruqian Wu, “How to realize a spin-dependent Seebeck diode effect in metallic zigzag γ-graphyne nanoribbons?”, Nanoscale, 9, 18334 (2017).pdf
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Shaowei Li, Siyu Chen, Jie Li, Ruqian Wu and Wilson Ho, “Joint space-time coherent vibration driven conformational transitions in a single molecule”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 176002 (2017).pdf
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Z.M. Han, G. Czap, C-l Chiang, C. Xu, X.Y. Wei, Y.X. Zhang, R.Q. Wu, and W. Ho, “Imaging the halogen bond in self-assembly halogenbenzenes on silver”,Science, 358, 206 (2017).pdf
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S. Dai, Y.S. Hou, M. Onoue, S.Y. Zhang, W.P. Gao, X.X. Yan, G. W. Graham, R.Q. Wu, and X.Q. Pan, “Revealing surface elemental composition and dynamic processes involved in facet-dependent oxidation of Pt3Co nanoparticles via in situ transmission electron microscopy”, Nano Lett. 17, 4683 (2017).pdf
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S. Dai, Y. You, S.Y. Zhang, W. Cai, M. Xu, L. Xie, R.Q. Wu, G.W. Graham, X.Q. Pan, “In-situ atomic-scale observation of oxygen-driven core-shell formation in Pt3Co nanoparticles”, Nature Commun. 8, 204 (2017).pdf
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Z.S. Lu, P. Lv, Z.X. Yang, S. Li, D.W. Ma and R.Q. Wu, “A promising single atom catalyst for CO oxidation: Ag on boron vacancies of h-BN sheet”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 16795 (2017).pdf
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Hui Wang, D. Lu, J. Kim, Z. Wang, S. T. Pi and R. Q. Wu, “Searching for large-gap quantum spin hall insulators: boron-nitride/(Pb,Sn)/α-Al2O3 sandwich structures”, Nanoscale, (2017).pdf
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Yudan Su, Hua Wang, Jie Li, Chuanshan Tian, Ruqian Wu, Xiaofeng Jin and Y. R. Shen, “Absence of detectable MOKE signals from spin hall effect in metals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 042401 (2017).pdf
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Z.M. Han, X.Y. Wei, C. Xu, C.L. Chiang, Y.X. Zhang, R.Q. Wu, and W. Ho, “Imaging van der waals interactions”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 5205 (2016).pdf
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Z.Q. Zhang, Y.R. Yang, H.H. Fu, and R.Q. Wu, “Design of spin-Seebeck diode with spin semiconductors”, Nanotechnology, 27, 505201 (2016).pdf
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P. Kumar, S. Sendelbach, M. A. Beck, J. W. Freeland, Z. Wang, H. Wang, C. C. Yu, R. Q. Wu, D. P. Pappas, R. McDermott, “Origin and reduction of 1/f magnetic flux noise in superconducting devices”, Phys. Rev. Appl(Lett), 6, 041001 (2016).pdf
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Bowen Yang, Min-Feng Tu, Jeongwoo Kim, Yong Wu, Hui Wang, Jason Alicea, Ruqian Wu, Marc Bockrath, and Jing Shi, “Tunable spin-orbit coupling and symmetry-protected edge states in graphene/WS2”, 2D Materials, 3, 031012 (2016).pdf
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H. Wang, S. T. Pi, J. Kim, Z. Wang, H. H. Fu and R. Q. Wu, “Possibility of realizing quantum spin hall effect at room temperature in Stanene/Al2O3(0001)”, Phys. Rev. B, 94, 035112 (2016).pdf
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Ganesh Raghunath, Alison B. Flatau, Hui Wang and Ruqian Wu,“Magnetoelastic auxetic-like behavior in Galfenol: Experimental data and simulations”, Physica Status Solidi B,253,1440 (2016). pdf |
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H. Y. He, S. T. Pi, Z. Q. Bai, M. Banik, V. A. Apkarian, and R. Q. Wu, “Stark effect and nonlinear impedance of the asymmetric Ag-CO-Ag Junction: An optical rectenna”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120,20914(2016). pdf |
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David Ellsworth, Lei Lu, Jin Lan, Houchen Chang, Peng Li, Zhe Wang, Jun Hu, Bryan Johnson, Yuqi Bian, Jiang Xiao, Ruqian Wu and Mingzhong Wu, “Photo-spin-voltaic effect”, Nature Physics, 12,861(2016). pdf |
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B. Li, X. H. Luo, H. Wang, W. J. Ren, S. Yano, C.-W. Wang, J. S. Gardner, K.-D. Liss, P. Miao, S.-H. Lee, T. Kamiyama, R. Q. Wu, Y. Kawakita, and Z. D. Zhang,“Colossal negative thermal expansion induced by magnetic phase competition on frustrated lattices in laves phase compound (Hf,Ta) Fe 2”, Phys. Rev. B 224405 (2016). pdf |
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Dingwang Yuan, Zhumin Han, Gregory Czap, Chi-lun Chiang, Chen Xu, W. Ho and Ruqian Wu,“Quantitative Understanding of van der Waals Bonds by Analyzing the Adsorption Structure and Low-Frequency Vibrational Modes of Single Benzene Molecules on Silver”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.7, 2228-2233, (2016). pdf |
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J. Li, H. Wang, J. Hu and R.Q. Wu, “Search for giant magnetic anisotropy in transition-metal dimers on defected hexagonal boron nitride sheet”, J. Chem. Phys.,144, 204704 (2016). pdf |
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Marcio Costa, Hui Wang, Jun Hua, Ruqian Wu, Suok-Min Na, Hyunsuk Chun, Alison B. Flatau,“Orientation dependences of surface morphologies and energies of iron–gallium alloys”, Surface Science, 647, 26 (2016).pdf |
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H. Wang, S.W. Li, H. Y. He, A. Yu, F. Toledo, Z.M. Han, W. Ho and R.Q. Wu, “Trapping and characterization of a single hydrogen molecule in a continuously tunable nanocavity”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett, , 6, 3453 (2015). pdf |
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J. Li, J. Hu, H. Wang and R.Q. Wu, “Rhenium-phthalocyanine molecular nanojunction with high magnetic anisotropy and high spin filtering efficiency”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 032404 (2015). pdf |
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J. Karel, J. Juraszek, J. Minar, C. Bordel, K.H. Stone, Y.N. Zhang, J. Hu, R.Q. Wu, H. Ebert, J.B. Kortright and F. Hellman, “Effect of chemical order on the magnetic and electronic properties of epitaxial off-stoichiometry FexSi1−x thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 91, 144402 (2015).pdf |
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R.Q. Wu, “The bonding mechanism at bimetallic interface: Pd/Ta(110)”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 238, 99 (1995).
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R.Q. Wu, K.L. Chen, D.S. Wang, and N. Wang, “Interaction, electron transfer and work function of a chemisorbed Alkali-metal submonolayer on the W(001) surface”, Phys. Rev. B 38, 3180 (1988).
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G. Petculescu, R.Q. Wu, and R. J. McQueeney, “Origin of large magnetostriction of Galfenol”, in “Handbook of Magnetic Materials”, edited by K. H. J. Buschow, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012) pp 123. |
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R.Q. Wu “Theory of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy and Magneto-elasticity and Related Phenomena- Transition Metals”, edited by H. Kronmüller and S. Parkin, (John Wiley & Sons, 2006). |
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R.Q. Wu, “Perspective of Fundamental Research for Nanomagnetism”, edited by J.A.C. Bland and D.L. Mills, (Elsevier, 2006). |
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R.Q. Wu, “First Principles Determination of Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetostriction in Transition Metal Alloys”, edited by W. Nolting and K. Babersche (Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2001). |
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R.Q. Wu, “First Principles Determination of Magnetostriction in Transition Metal Thin Films, Alloys and Compounds”, edited by M.R.J. Gibbs (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000) p1. |
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N. Kioussis, G. Lu, R.Q. Wu, and M. Ciftan, “Effect of Hydrogen on Grain Boudary Embrittlement: An ab initio Study ”, edited by G.S. Anagnostatos, R.F. Bishop, K.A. Gernoth, J. Ginis, and A. Theophilou (Nova Science Publisher, Inc., 2000), p313. |
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R.Q. Wu and A.J. Freeman, “Magnetism in Metals”, Edited by D.F. McMorrow, J. Jensen and H.M. Ronnow (Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1997), p133. |
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R.Q. Wu, D.S. Wang, and A.J. Freeman, “Aspects of Modern Magnetism”, Edited by F.C. Pu (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p90. |
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R.Q. Wu, D.S. Wang, and A.J. Freeman, “Handbook for Surface Imaging and Visualization”, Edited by A.T. Hubbard (CEC Press, 1995), p385. |