Comprehensive Lists:
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Refereed Publications
The Time-scales Probed by Star Formation Rate Indicators for Realistic, Burst Star Formation Histories from the FIRE Simulations
J. Flores Velázquez, A. Gurvich, C. Faucher-Giguère, J. Bullock, T. Starkenburg, J. Moreno, A. Lazar, F. Mercado, J. Stern, M. Sparre, C. Hayward, A. Wetzel, and K. El-Badry (2020); accepted by MNRAS (arXiv:2008.08582)
A Dark Matter Profile to Model the Diverse Feedback-Induced Core Sizes of ΛCDM Haloes
A. Lazar, J. Bullock, M. Boylan-Kolchin, T. Chan, P. Hopkins, A. Graus, A. Wetzel, K. El-Badry, C. Wheeler, M. Straight, D. Kereš, C. Faucher-Giguère, A. Fitts, and S. Garrison-Kimmel (2020); MNRAS, 497, 2393 (arXiv:2004.10817)
Accurate Mass Estimates from the Proper Motions of Dispersion-Supported Galaxies
A. Lazar and J. Bullock (2020); MNRAS, 493, 5825 (arXiv:1907.08841)
Dark and Luminous Satellites of LMC-mass Galaxies in the FIRE Simulations
E. Jahn, L. Sales, A. Wetzel, M. Boylan-Kolchin, T. Chan, K. El-Badry, A. Lazar, and J. Bullock (2019); MNRAS, 489, 5348 (arXiv:1907.02979)