Ritz Group
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics:
Understanding the Molecular Design of Life |
The University of California, Irvine invites applications for two postdoctoral
researcher positions and one or more specialist positions, to begin May 1,
2003 or shortly thereafter. The successful candidates are expected to work
in one of the three research areas of the theoretical biophysics group: quantum
biological processes in photosynthetic proteins, principles of protein complex
formation, and the biophysical basis of magnetic compasses in animals. For
more information, please visit http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~ritz.
For the POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER POSITIONS, we seek candidates with demonstrated
ability in applying physics, physical chemistry, or computation to model
biological systems. Expertise in all-atom molecular dynamics calculations
and/or structural modeling is desirable. A Ph.D. in physics or a related
field is required. The salary range will be approximately $32,000 - $40,000
per year, depending on experience.
SPECIALIST POSITIONS are for visitors interested in a 6-12 month research
project who have not yet received their Ph.D. Candidates should have a strong
background in physics and good computing skills. Prior experience with biophysics
is desirable, but not required. The salary range will be approximately $1300-$1800
per month, depending on education.
Applicants should send a vita, list of publications, a brief (1 page or less)
statement of research interests, and the names of three references to ritz@ks.uiuc.edu.
Professor Thorsten Ritz, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University
of California, Irvine, CA 92697-4575.
The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer committed
to excellence through diversity.
Closing Date: Jan 31, 2003