Wednesday, May 29, 2019

APS Division of Particles and Fields Mentorship Award 2019
Awarded to Tim M.P. Tait, UC Irvine, for his successful and inclusive mentoring of many young particle physicists, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty.
The Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society has established a new award to honor exceptional mentoring. The award will be bestowed yearly for mentoring, broadly construed.
This APS Unit Award is intended to recognize DPF members who have had an exceptional impact as mentors of particle physics scientists and students. This mentoring could be through teaching or research or science-related activities and is meant to recognize current achievements as well as those spanning a career.
Examples of contributions honored by this award include:
Exceptional mentoring of early career particle physicists;
Sustained commitment to mentoring early career particle physicists from traditionally under-represented backgrounds;
A leadership role in developing early career research and career development activities.
The Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society has established a new award to honor exceptional mentoring. The award will be bestowed yearly for mentoring, broadly construed.
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