Seminars & Colloqiua

Astrophysics Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Tue, 01/28/2025 3:45 pm Archana Aravindan Investigating the nature and effect of... NS2 1201
Tue, 02/18/2025 3:45 pm Nicholas Tusay K2-22b: Measuring Exposed Hot Rock... NS2 1201
Condensed Matter Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Tue, 01/28/2025 11:00 am Dr. Christopher Lane Search for Flatbands and Magnetism in... NS2 1201
Tue, 02/04/2025 11:00 am Linda Ye Electronic nematicity in layered... NSII 1201
Tue, 02/11/2025 3:00 pm Nathan Gabor Extraordinary quenching of the Dirac... RH 142
Tue, 02/18/2025 11:00 am Nathanan Tantivasadakarn Sculpting quantum phases of matter with... NS2 1201
Wed, 02/19/2025 11:00 am Peter Holdsworth Monopoles, Dirac strings and Magnetic... ISEB 1310
Mon, 02/24/2025 3:30 pm Dr. Chunjing Jia In-silico Design of Quantum Materials:... NS2 1201
Tue, 02/25/2025 11:00 am Mark Stiles Can spintronics help make computing... NS2 1201
Thu, 02/27/2025 2:00 pm Yves Kwan Strongly Correlated Electrons Across... RH 142
Tue, 03/04/2025 3:00 pm Qiong Ma Topology and Correlations in monolayer... RH 142
Mon, 03/24/2025 11:00 am Dr. Likun Wang Tunneling photocurrent spectroscopy of... RH 142
Tue, 03/25/2025 11:00 am Michael Knap Tunable Bose-Fermi Mixtures in... RH 142
Thu, 04/03/2025 11:00 am Ravin Bhatt TBA NSII 1201
Tue, 04/29/2025 Dr. Aleksandr Noy TBA TBA
Physics Department Colloquium
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Thu, 01/30/2025 3:30 pm Andrey Chubukov Twists and turns of superconductivity... ISEB 1010
Thu, 02/20/2025 3:30 pm Alex Klotz Materials Physics with Kinetoplast DNA ISEB 1010
Thu, 02/27/2025 3:30 pm Yuhai Tu Physics Meets Machine Learning: Past,... ISEB 1010
Thu, 03/06/2025 3:30 pm Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine Distances and Clocks in a discordant... ISEB 1010
Thu, 03/13/2025 3:30 pm Michael Hinczewski The price of evolution: how... ISEB 1010
Thu, 05/29/2025 3:30 pm Sharon Gerbode Crystals merge via cooperative... ISEB 1010
Particle Physics Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Wed, 02/05/2025 11:00 am Kang Sin Choi Renormalization, Decoupling and the... NS2 1201
Wed, 02/12/2025 11:00 am Reuven Balkin Probing the CP properties of ALP... NS2 1201
Fri, 02/14/2025 11:00 am Junying Huang Neutron Measurements for DUNE NS2 1201
Wed, 02/19/2025 11:00 am Kim Berghaus Searching For Superheavy Decaying... NS2 1201
Wed, 03/12/2025 11:00 am Patrick Draper Quantum Simulations of SU(3) NSII 1201
Fri, 03/14/2025 12:30 pm Bennett Greenberg Rare Decays of Light Mesons at the CMS... ISEB 1310
Wed, 03/19/2025 11:00 am Shih-Chieh Hsu Accelerating Artificial Intelligence... NSII 1201
Wed, 04/02/2025 11:00 am Devin Walker TBA NS2 1201
Wed, 04/09/2025 11:00 am Jake Rudolph TBA NS2 1201
Wed, 04/16/2025 11:00 am Brando Bellazzini TBA NS2 1201
Wed, 04/23/2025 11:00 am Wenqi Ke TBA NSII 1201
PhD Thesis Defense
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Wed, 02/26/2025 10:00 am Haytham Effarah PhD Thesis Defense ISEB 1010
Fri, 03/14/2025 10:00 am Courtney Sandomirsky PhD Thesis Defense ISEB 1310
Special Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Mon, 03/03/2025 3:30 pm Valentin Crepel Towards anyon control in moire quantum... ISEB 1200
Thu, 03/06/2025 2:00 pm Matt Coley-O'Rourke Unraveling Microscopic Mechanisms in... ISEB 1200
Biophysics Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Fri, 03/14/2025 10:00 am Arpita Upadhyaya Transcription factor dynamics in gene... ISEB 1010
Plasma Physics Seminar
Date Time Speaker Title Location
Fri, 03/21/2025 2:00 pm Shuhei Aramaki Expanding the Horizons of Radiation... FRH 4179