PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beam Irradiation using a Distributed Charge Compton X-Ray Source Architecture
PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beam Irradiation using a Distributed Charge Compton X-Ray Source Architecture
Defense Title: Orbit Space Analysis of Resonant Beam-Driven Ion Acceleration
Defense Title: Nonlinear Physics of Weakly Relativistic Laser Wakefield Acceleration Near the Critical Density
Defense Title: Atomic-scale Sensing of the Electric and Magnetic Field with a Molecular Sensor
Defense Title: Simulations of SIDM Halos - Numerics and Velocity - Dependent Cross Sections
Defense Title: Slippery Interfaces and Extreme Strain in Reconfigurable van der Waals Devices
Defense Title: Mechanically Reconfigurable Micro-Electronic van der Waals Heterostructure Devices
Defense Title: Advancing Dark Energy Studies with DESI: Innovations in Instrumentation and Lyman-alpha forest cosmology
Defense Title: A Measurement of Ve Appearance and Vu Disappearance Using 10 Years of Data from the NOvA Experiment
Defense Title: Advanced Pixel-Level Analyses for Large-Scale Surveys of the Dark Universe