In the event of an emergency situation, dial 911.
For emergency procedures, consult the pdf files linked below:
- Emergency Procedures: Includes instructions and procedures in the event of fire, earthquake, lab accidents, crime in progress, or other situations, and non-emergency contact information for UCI Police, Facilities Management, and Envronmental Health & Safety
UCI Public Safety Home Page: Contains links to UCI Police, emergency management information, and more.
UCI Coronavirus Information Hub: Main portal for campus information on COVID-19 policies and resources.
Additional links to UCI safety information and procedures are in the links below.
- UCI ZoneCrew: Evacuation assembly areas and maps
- School of Physical Sciences Safety
- UCI Environmental Health & Safety
- zotALERT – Emergency Notifications
- UCI Police
All UCI students and employees should sign up for the zotALERT system to receive emergency alerts by text message.