Monday, June 17, 2019

This conference attracted 20 students from UCLA, UCR, UCSD, U of Utah and, 10 more from UCI. The speakers represent frontiers of condensed matter theory and experiment.
June 17-18, UC Irvine
This two-day summer school for condensed matter theory graduate students is focusing on some frontier developments in strongly correlated, topological, and spin systems. The frontiers that will be covered are ranging from Bethe Ansatz, DMRG, and topological states of matter to spintronics, novel experimental methods, and ongoing search for exotic phases. The school is supported by the National Science Foundation and the University of California, Irvine.
The conference is taking place on the UCI campus from June 17-18, 2019.
Sasha Chernyshev (UCI)
Pavel Maksimov (UCI)