The international NOvA collaboration is made up of more than 240 scientists and engineers from 51 institutions in seven countries. The UCI long-baseline neutrino group, led by Prof. Jianming Bian, played a key role in this latest NOvA publication. Prof. Bian leads the NOvA reconstruction and deep-learning inter-institute group, which applies traditional and deep-learning methods to reconstruct neutrino events recorded by NOvA detectors. The UCI group played a leading role in the electron (anti)neutrino appearance analyses that produced these new results. UCI Ph.D. student Nitish Nayak served as one of the four editors of this paper, along with former and current NOvA spokespersons. Collaborating with UCI Computer Science professor Pierre Baldi, Bian’s group has been developing deep-learning methods and software used by the NOvA collaboration. The next NOvA collaboration meeting will be held February 13-16, 2020, at UCI.
Bian’s group is also productively involved in DUNE, the next-generation flagship neutrino experiment in the U.S., which is designed to decisively determine neutrino CP phase angle and mass ordering.