Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Professor Toshiki Tajima has been selected by the Board of Directors of The Optical Society (OSA) as the 2020 recipient of the Charles H. Townes Award.
He is being recognized “for seminal contributions in broad and novel plasma physics and laser-based accelerator physics, introducing the concept of Laser Wakefield Acceleration.”
The Charles H. Townes Award was established in 1980 to honor Charles Hard Townes, whose pioneering contributions to masers and lasers led to the development of the field of quantum electronics. It is given to an individual or a group for outstanding experimental or theoretical work, discovery or invention in the field of quantum electronics. The prize includes a framed silver medal and a $5,000 honorarium.
Public announcements of your award will be made in a press release, online at, on OSA social media sites, in the June issue of Optics & Photonics News and at FiO 2020.