Friday, November 26, 2021
UCI Assistant Professor and the Irvine Quantum Materials Center Director, Luis A. Jauregui has been selected to receive an NSF Early Career Award to support his project, "CAREER: Acoustic-driven Manipulation of Electrons and Exciton Species in Atomically-thin Quantum Materials".
Dr. Jauregui joined the UC Irvine Department of Physics & Astronomy in 2019, where he has established a research group (QMDL) studying the electrical and optical properties of two-dimensional quantum materials to realize novel quantum devices. Before joining UCI, Dr. Jauregui completed his Ph.D. at Purdue University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard.
Group website:
Award Link:
Non-technical abstract:
This CAREER project aims at investigating novel quantum phenomena in new quantum materials. This project studies the effect of acoustic waves on the electrical and optical properties of atomically thin materials. These acoustic waves allow in-situ dynamic control of the properties of the materials. The goal of the project is to advance our knowledge of quantum properties in low-dimensional systems which is the key to developing new technologies, computers, and devices. The project strongly integrates education with research, to provide quantum research training for graduate and undergraduate students. The educational activities include the development of new coursework focused on cutting-edge quantum research and the introduction of new quantum physics experiments in the classroom. The outcome of these educational activities will also be disseminated in Spanish to reach out to the Hispanic community. Outreach activities, such as high school summer camps, laboratory visits, and public lectures have a special focus on science communication to the general public and the media. Recruiting efforts focuses on the integration of women, and underrepresented minorities, into the scientific community.