Abstract: We report the status of the Gyrokinetic-MHD Energetic particle hybrid Code GMEC being developed for efficient and accurate simulations of energetic particle (EP)-driven Alfven instabilities and EP transport in magnetic fusion plasmas such as ITER. In the hybrid model, electrons are treated as a fluid, EPs and thermal ions are described by gyro-kinetic equations. The energetic particle effects enter in the gyrokinetic vorticity equation via pressure terms which are obtained by solving the gyrokinetic equations using PIC method. The field-aligned coordinates and meshes are used to efficiently resolve mode structures of high-n Alfven modes. Five-points 4th order finite differences and 4th order Runge-Kutta method are used for numerical differentiations and time advance respectively. The Compile-time Symbolic Solver (CSS) is developed to generate coding from vector equations symbolically. CSS expands vector equations into components scalar equations at compile-time, and greatly simplifies coding of differential equations in toroidal curvilinear coordinates using finite difference method. Both MPI and TBB are used for parallelization. Up to now, a simplified version of GMEC has been completed for both CPU and GPU platforms. Successful verifications for EP-driven Alfven modes have been done. The code has been optimized systematically, especially for fast memory access, resulting in simulation speeds much faster than those of other similar codes. The code has been applied successfully in simulating EP-driven Alfven instabilities in present tokamak experiments and future burning plasmas with realistic geometry. Details of GMEC and initial applications will be presented.