Undergraduate Research Project Marketplace

Students should browse through the offerings of available undergraduate research projects. To apply for a project, select the "Apply" text corresponding to that project and fill out the requested information. Keep in mind that it is possible that more students may apply for the same research project than are available positions for that project; i.e., this is a competitive process that encourages students to make a concerted effort on their application.

Contact Info Research Project Post date

Sabee Molloi, Medical Sciences B-140, symolloi@uci.edu


Medical Physics: Quantitative techniques for cardiovascular and breast computed tomography

An exciting research opportunity is available in a medical imaging laboratory that focuses on cardiovascular imaging, and breast computed tomography (CT)....read more

Time Commitment:


Minimum GPA: None
Paid: No

Apply for Medical Physics: Quantitative techniques for cardiovascular and breast computed tomography

May 5, 2022

Jin Yu, RH 210K, jin.yu@uci.edu

Modeling protein machinery in genetic and epigenetic regulation

We provide learning and hands-on opportunities for those who interested in physical modeling, molecular dynamics or stochastic simulation, and visualization of biomolecular systems with projects...read more

Time Commitment:


Minimum GPA: None
Paid: No

Apply for Modeling protein machinery in genetic and epigenetic regulation

February 3, 2022

Laura Tucker, tucker@uci.edu

Conceptual change, software development, and curriculum design

We are looking for undergraduates who are interested in how students learn and interact with one another in college classrooms. We work in a number of areas:

...read more

Time Commitment:

5-12 hours per week

Minimum GPA: none
Paid: Some paid positions are available in summer, depending on project and usually after 1-2 quarters of work

Apply for Conceptual change, software development, and curriculum design

October 16, 2020
Muthana Al-Ghazi
Chao Cancer Center
UCI Medical Center
Comprehensive Dosimetric Characterization of the Mobetron (Mobile Electron Linear Accelerator) Collimators Using Radiochromic Film
The student will have the opportunity to learn about the application of radiation physics in the treatment of cancer....read more

Time Commitment:
Approximately 10 hours per weekorby arrangement with the student.
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: During semester, there is no funding. Funding may become available during the summer, but this is not guaranteed at the present time.

Apply for Comprehensive Dosimetric Characterization of the Mobetron (Mobile Electron Linear Accelerator) Collimators Using Radiochromic Film

October 16, 2020


Particle Physics

Explore a hypothetical new particle at the Large Hadron Collider.

...read more

Time Commitment:


Minimum GPA: none
Paid: No

Apply for Particle Physics

March 19, 2020
Muthana Al-Ghazi
Chao Cancer Center
UCI Medical Center
Comprehensive Dosimetric Characterization of the Mobetron (Mobile Electron Linear Accelerator) Collimators Using Radiochromic Film
The student will have the opportunity to learn about the application of radiation physics in the treatment of cancer....read more

Time Commitment:
Approximately 10 hours per weekorby arrangement with the student.
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: During semester, there is no funding. Funding may become available during the summer, but this is not guaranteed at the present time.

Apply for Comprehensive Dosimetric Characterization of the Mobetron (Mobile Electron Linear Accelerator) Collimators Using Radiochromic Film

August 13, 2019

Aaron Barth

2172 FRH


Supermassive black holes and active galactic nuclei

Our group carries out observational research on galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes....read more

Time Commitment:

Time commitment depends on the nature of the research project (summer project, senior thesis research, or other academic-year research). For paid summer research projects, the standard commitment is 40 hours/week for 8-10 weeks.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: Possibly for summer projects, depending on available funding

Apply for Supermassive black holes and active galactic nuclei

April 23, 2019

Albert Siryaporn, Reines 1118, asirya@uci.edu

Dynamics of living systems

Our lab investigates the dynamics of living organisms. Bacteria is one of the best systems in which to pursue this question due to its relative simplicity and the wealth of available tools....read more

Time Commitment:

Students should plan to commit at least 10 hours per week and are expected to participate in lab full time during the summer quarter. Successful students can continue for multiple quarters, including Summer, and can complete an undergraduate thesis with the lab.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: Qualified students working independently on research projects usually receive financial support during Summer.

Apply for Dynamics of living systems

March 6, 2019

Huolin Xin, 220 Rowland Hall, huolin.xin@uci.edu

Deep learning, 3D imaging, and transmission electron microscopy

Research Project Description: Huolin Xin’s DeepEM lab focuses their research on the imaging of atoms and their bonding electrons with artificially intelligent transmission electron...read more

Time Commitment:

In the academic year, the student should commit at least 10 hours per week for research. In order to be financially supported in summer, the students are expected to work full time.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: Maybe

Apply for Deep learning, 3D imaging, and transmission electron microscopy

January 14, 2019

David Buote


2176 Reines Hall

Probing the Structure and Evolution of Massive Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters with X-Rays
My research group studies the amount and distribution of baryons (stars, gas) and dark matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. This research lies within the wide-ranging field of galaxy...read more

Time Commitment:

I do not require a specific time commitment, since it will vary depending upon the student and circumstances. As a guide, typically the student should aim to begin by spending at least 5-10 hours / wk. This effort should gradually increase so that during the later stages of the project, the student is spending roughly double that amount of time. 

Minimum GPA: 3.0 is preferred, but I will welcome students with a lower overall GPA if they have demonstrated >= 3.0 GPA in their recent physics courses.
Paid: No

Apply for Probing the Structure and Evolution of Massive Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters with X-Rays

December 5, 2018

Kieron Burke, 2145 Natural Sciences II, kieron@uci.edu

Density Functional Theory: Development and Applications

Density Functional Theory is one of the most popular and versatile electronic structure methods available in condensed-matter physics, computational physics, and chemistry....read more

Time Commitment:

In academic year, the student should commit at least 8-10 hours per week for research.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: No, but students working in summer typically receive some financial support through UROP.

Apply for Density Functional Theory: Development and Applications

October 11, 2018

Bill Heidbrink, Bill.Heidbrink@uci.edu

Energetic Ions in Magnetic Fusion

The Heidbrink group studies ions with energies much larger than the thermal ion temperature in tokamaks and other magnetic fusion configurations....read more

Time Commitment:

Four courses total and full-time work in the summer.

Minimum GPA: 3.5
Paid: Students working in summer typically receive financial support.

Apply for Energetic Ions in Magnetic Fusion

October 11, 2018

Mike Cooper
FRH 2123

Galaxy Evolution

My research group studies the global evolution of galaxies over cosmic time, with a particular emphasis on the role of environment in shaping galaxy properties....read more

Time Commitment:

Typical time commitment is 5-10 hours per week.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: No

Apply for Galaxy Evolution

October 10, 2018

Manoj Kaplinghat, 2180 Frederick Reines Hall (building 401 on campus map)

Dark matter, Gravitational lensing

Students and postdocs working with Kaplinghat are investigating a wide variety of phenomena in cosmology and particle physics....read more

Time Commitment:

During the academic year, students working with Kaplinghat should expect to spend 5-10 hours per week. 

Minimum GPA: No strict requirement but the expectation is that the students are comfortable enough in their coursework to undertake significant research responsibility.
Paid: No

Apply for Dark matter, Gravitational lensing

October 10, 2018

Prof. Zuzanna Siwy

210G Rowland Hall


Ionic diodes, transistors and biosensors

The Siwy group investigates the underlying physics of ionic and molecular transport at the nanoscale....read more

Time Commitment:

In academic year, the student should commit at least 10 hours per week for research. In order to be financially supported in summer, the students are expected to work full time.

Minimum GPA: 3.0
Paid: Students working in summer typically receive financial support in summer

Apply for Ionic diodes, transistors and biosensors

October 9, 2018